I don't know how much this will help, but when I had the same problem I had to brute force myself to stay focused and study. However, it could be a sign of burn out, maybe take 2or 3 days off and relax a bit?
... before moving to full tests or just hop right in (not ... than putting myself on a 2or 1 PT a week schedule ... , I have a confidence issue or honestly I get too lazy ...
... questions in 25 minutes or 20 questions in 20 ... what's going on or the argument structure you ... If you're stuck between 2or 3 answer choices and something ... 't want to spend 2 minutes or 5 minutes on a ... question in the beginning or middle of the section, ...
... come on moderately difficult questions 2or 3 stars as the 5 ... star ones or any that have been called ... the most people in general, or the ones JY thought ought ... entirely, corrected during blind review, or felt shaky on during blind ...
... /-1 and BR LR to -2or so on each section. I ... have missed/been umcertain on or a literal folder of cutout ... written right the first time or went over the rational for ... wrong ones at least 10 or so times. This made the ...
... sure not to overdo it or I start burning out.
It's tough only studying 2or maybe 3 hours per weeknight ... . Some days will be better or worse than others. It's ...
... to be difficult for you or that the easier ones ... found a couple of 1 or2 star questions that were the ... as I can (usually 22 or 23). There might be ... questions on the last page or they might all be ... to skip earlier questions (usually 2or 3 per section) to get ...
... try prepping. But then realized no - it's definitely not necessary ... all pretty simple. There's no right or wrong answer, it's ... just write a "joke" answer or blow it off somehow. As ...
I’m not sure what the chances are of having one pop up in June are. but, having a system to attack these games might be worth 2or so hours of prep in the coming weeks.
... amazing schools from their 3rd or 4th attempt. So a retake ... combination of those two factors, or possibly something else all together ... /causation argument on LR. If 2or 3 things don't **_instantly_ ... your approach. There a dozen or so questions like this we ...
... not from logical assumptions or new information that you ... could support one sentence or support all sentences as ... If I'm left with 2or so answers I look ... makes an answer choice right or wrong. For example: words ... times of one part or combo of sentences in ...
... of measure: per day or per week etc and whether ... think we can infer 1,2or 3.
> 2, or 3 can be inferred ... that has increased, decreased, or stayed the same in the ... super impressed.
I am worried about taking it again as opposed to someone who only took it once. I'm not looking to go to a tier one school, tier 2or even tier 3 is fine with me so I'm trying to not to stress myself too much