... is easier to block out noise happening all around then it ... quiet and one very specific noise problem pops up. This happened ... harder than a bunch of noise so if you can practice ...
... two years ago because of noise issues. Even before we started ... there was a loud humming noise that the door made, so ... started the test anyways. The noise was so loud that it ... the test started that the noise was bad….). It was very ...
Wow, I am taking the test tomorrow and that makes me nervous. Can we just turn the volume on our computer off so if they are making noise we don't have to have it distract us? or is that not allowed for some reason?
I felt weird on LR... but I'm not sure why. Could have been because of distracting noise in my background. Could have been because it was a little tougher than I'm used to. Anyone else have any thoughts?
I do it all the time to drown out the noise from other people in my apartment. I usually just put on classical music, anything without words haha. I don’t think it hurts my BR either, my last was a 173 so I think it’s fine.