... been working on SA questions and I'm really having ... my mind starts to race and skips every other word ... of the problem sets under non-timed conditions but I' ... above, my mind gets fritzy and I lose all focus; ... to keep your mind calm and focused during PT's/ ...
... LSAT answer sheet (thanks Mom and Dad). To make things ... have a middle name, and my legal first name has ... the LSAC registration page and my admissions ticket, but looking at the ... N _ A-D-A and leave a space? Or ... N-A-D-A-M (and still have a character left off)?
... hours and the non-stop stress was hurting me from moving ... everyone's is different and possibly vary greatly, but ... from like 9am-9pm and burnout. This is something ... 12pm-1pm: BREAK for lunch and just stay sane. I' ... break until 7pm or so and then maybe prep more. ...
... - I am a (much) older non-URM who is planning on ... to give LSAT a year, and GRE 6 months. Spivey ... very tricky. I have education and significant work experience in 2 ... could get a high GRE and use that for both ... law and business school, I could ...
... in between moving overseas. I started at a 146 diagnostic, and finished ... /August. Long story short, after moving overseas, I made the decision ... up more 60 PTs before moving onto the 70s if I ... for game drilling and whether I should keep moving forward with the ...
... took all the exams and went through curriculum and have taken the ... exam three times. My highest fresh non ... -official takes were a 163 and a 166 ... section for me as well and I have trouble on those ...
... need is an ID and the ticket. That's it ... , so bye bye to the watch, pencil and ... some reason I felt moving to another platform (paper ... right choices and just picking one andmoving on. It ... mind bubbling and the watch and pencils and erasers, stick ...
... and eat a clean and light meal and continue studying. Exercise and ... feel okay right now and rested and your stomach is full ... for days on end and only moving from your bed to ... m not selling you a fitness plan...I'm not ... a fitness guy by any means, ...
... the 7sage admission course, and have reached the strange conclusion ... /weird than I thought, and 2. I no longer ... , I'm 100% a non-traditional student. I was primarily ... google it), but am also non-traditional in that I'm ... for a few years, and want to get away from ...
... I have "mastered" games through and I am nearly done with ... me up a bit though and focus errors remain leaving me ... . Or I could begin PTing non-fresh tests. I used up ... feel fresh) in my prep and I could use those for ...
... of solidifying the basics before moving on. I've taken ... I'm doing problem sets and still getting some wrong which ... for the December test and I planned to start ... weak drilling the weak stuff and THEN move on (this ... in need of advice and you guys are always ...
... disclosure: My bachelors degree is in cognitive psychology and ... over our lives and surroundings AND linking mundane tasks ... overwhelmed by information) and reactive thinking (reacting ... next (“forecasting”) probabilistically AND comfort with doubt (knowing ...
... me that my Parallel Flaw and Parallel Reasoning questions are ... understand and vocalize the flaw as a whole. Is the argument moving ... the parts of the argument and how they relate (structure). ... moves from premises to conclusion and find a similar conclusion. I ...
... answer choices without fully and precisely understanding the stimulus ... tried to practice not moving on to answers until I ... relationship between the conclusion and support and find out what is ... /verbs/modifiers) between the support and the conclusion
... advice. I'm a non-traditional student who has wide ... stupid online at some point and I don't want ... value liens. I help attorneys and sometimes appear as a hearing ... good minus the first year and a half after high ... should be a 3.7 and a graduated with honors. ...
... up on September 16 and drive to Starbucks and to accidentally lock ... my car (with my ID and admissions ticket) or have my battery ... of moving, so many things are packed away in boxes) and now ... ? Including being attacked my birds and have my worst nightmare come ...
I'm taking the test tomorrow and I only have a printer with black & white ink to print out my ticket. My photo looks fine...is it okay that my ticket isn't in color?
Character was ... the main theme of my essay, and I attempted ... attorney and how that changed my students' character similarly ... how it changed my character through my experience with ...
Hello 7Sage Community! As a non traditional prospective law school student ... of school for awhile (94) and thinks this is a necessity ... with me, share their advice and experience with applying to law ... school and attending law school. I truly ...
So in all the prep madness, I just now got around to printing my ticket. I now see that my photo is a little bit smaller than the requirement and shadows on my face. I took it with my phone. I'm freaking out. what should I do?
**PTs and Follow-up Exercises**
So ... Repetition helps to reinforce memories and gets you more familiar with ... .
That's why moving into the last month, I ... me as the baby started movingand kicking real hard during these ...
+ What literary character do you most associate yourself ... t know enough about the character. I understand this is ... to show them who the character is, and how I associate with ... how I associate with the character. The admissions team would know ...
... non-canooks out there, that is Toronto. That is our bread and ... it without the sheer quality and brilliance of 7Sage. The guidance ... community with such a dynamic andcharacter. It is truly inspiring to ... studies.
... , I have come across a non-linear spacial game type . I ... caps, the admins are sensitive and don't like to be ... to tackle such misc questions and how to interpret the game ... board setup and interpret their rules.
... am active duty military, and applying to law school for ... , including a half sleeve and one on my calf. ... to leave the military and work as a civilian ... big law being more conservative, non-profit law less so, etc ... out of the military and want to practice law? :)
... was due to time confliction and other reasons. My school did ... overlook this as it is "non-punitive", or will they punish ... no effect on the gpa, and wasn't a "Withdrawn/Failing ... ". What say you? And if it does, how would ...
... ranting just a little bit, and hopefully finding a possible solution ... to store their prohibited items, and in the case of cellphones ... case i need it, and literally non of them had a regular ... they either change this rule and allow mechanical pencils, or perhaps ...