Hello, everyone. I am studying heavily for the LSAT and want to link up with anyone else who is gunning for the June 3rd exam. My ultimate goal right now is to attend the most prestigious school I can get into, and what I am really hoping to do is connect ...
This is a bit of a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone here studying for the June 2019 LSAT either works/lives near midtown and would be willing to meet up in the mornings to prep? By morning I mean sometime between 7:30am - 8:50am ...
Anyone looking to meet up preferably saturdays? or Friday night to study. Im taking the September test and I know most people are from NYC but I’d figure I’d ask and see if anyone was up for meeting at a library/coffee shop/anywhere?
For some reason, I have a harder time testing in complete silence. When I have some kind of white noise in the background, I am able to focus much better. Does anyone have suggestions on how to be more adaptable to different noise conditions?