... I can do great in January. However, I wanted to apply ... apply now and retake in January, my application will have still ... next month grinding on for January's test.
... games), there will be no official practice tests to practice for ... games may be removed by January of 2023, however, it seems ... December and take it before January of 2023? I have a ...
... /study time heading into the January exam. I took a break ... the ground running for the January exam. I am now spending ... before November. How are other January test takers preparing/managing their ...
Looking for someone to review a couple LR sections with before the January test.
Currently averaging -6 and would like to review with someone for the next 2 weeks or so.
I have been studying for the lsat for a bit, however certain circumstances have occurred that I am not prepared to be taking the October LSAT, is there still a chance for me to apply to 2023 August if I take the January LSAT?
I'm planning on taking the LSAT in January 2023, yet I'm not finished with the core curriculum. Should I still take it regardless if I finish? This will be my first time taking the LSAT.