I just restarted my 7Sage subscription after not doing as well as I liked on the Nov. 2020 LSAT. Is there any way to completely restart my progress on tests and lessons so that I can go through the program from scratch again? Thanks!
I am just curious is the June 2021 disclosed? I remember hearing all flex exams are nondisclosed exam except the May 2020 one. But just wanted to double check!
Just for your encouragement, I am a full time worker, work in a stressful environment. I scored 134 in June 2020 test, and June 149 2021 ( Thanks 7sage). I am not really happy but I am satisfied. Hopefully I can get in to a >100 and practice law.
It went from PreOrder on Amazon to sold out within a few hours of the supposed release date. I’m sure there aren’t many paper versions in print given the required access to LawHub and digital test for the majority of test takers. I’m wondering if anyone ...
Hey guys I just took the LSAT writing for my august test, and I feel a bit worried because when it asked me to take a picture of my ID, the pictures kept coming out kind of blurry. I tried for maybe 5 or 10 minutes to get my computer camera to focus on my ...