... two months doing timed sections oflogicgames and blind reviewing. I think ... everything right on an easy sectionof LG now, but a tough ... get to about 80% of target time (I.e. 4 minutes ...
Standard advice applies, invest time in making inferences. Try to ...
... are preparing for the newer logicgames. As many have noticed the ... are more "randomized hybrid" games that now appear on each ... Fool Proof method for all logicgames before what I consider to ... was stumped on the newer logicgames when I first encountered them ...
I was wondering if any of you have, or know anyone ... on formal logic. Periodically, i have read in blogs of people ... reading books on formal logic that gave ... them a great understanding oflogicgames and logical reasoning. However, ...
Will practicing the other Games aid in doing well in those random MISC LogicGames? Is there a technique to approaching them? I think it is the initial shock factor that stumps me.
... been practicing logicgames from PT 52-61recently, finding these games seem much ... heard people saying that the logicgames from PT 52-61 are ... me whether or how the games in these PTs are different ...
... any advice for improving my logicgames score as quickly as possible ... , but have found improving in games to be a slow struggle ... consistently finishing about 3/4 games in 35 minutes. Any advice ...
... was that 10 minutes into Section 1, the assistants came to ... Serial Number. Imagine the level of distraction? What made things even ... my first section was LogicGames. I had literally, read the rules of the ... minutes. On top of that, the level of noise created so ...
... you should go over the games once you finish, then keep ... there only a certain number of ways games are portrayed, that can ... be solved with a set number of ...
... if all the different types oflogicgames are covered by the ... I intend to use all of it). I see that ... are explained on the free sectionof the site but I' ...
I ask because in one of the videos the instructor said ... to talk about a bunch of types... Linear, in-out, ...
I can't seem to find the answers to preptests 1-35 logicgames. When the PDFs were taken down, were the answers also taken down? I can't check my answers to those sections! Am I missing them somewhere?
Wondering how relevant old logicgames are for current LSATs. Is it best to do the logic game bundle (1-35) first so I don't "burn" through more recent logic game sections?
- Done half oflogicgames bundle (but I'm very ... />
- Read Trainer one more time
- Start and exhaust ... devote the rest of the time to LSAT prep.< ... and should there be enough time to cover the remainder? ... mode over the amount oftime I have left and ...
I find my true weakness in logicgames is over-thinking the game board which causes me to make invalid inferences or duplicate game boards that do not need to be done. does anyone know how I can correct this mistake.
Hey guys! So my question is, where can I find printable logicgames? I can find anything online and I'm wanting the exact games in the course like J.Y. suggests. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
In @Pacifico's attacking the logicgames strategy post he mentions that 7Sage has formatted the older logicgames into the current 2 pages per game layout so they can be printed off and worked just like the current tests. Is this still available?