... 7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-57-section-3-question-11/
This is ... a challenging question - largely because it hinges ...
It's a weaken question, but the word permanent is ... re having trouble with a question, double check for hinge ...
I've figured out why C) and E) are wrong, but I'm not sure how the other incorrect answers weaken the argument.
... confused when in a flaw question the author or speaker confuses ... . For example, in PT 64, section3, question 11 - one of the answer ... haven't come across a question where this has been a ...
... explanations for each question. No problem there. My question is, how can ... a link for a certain question I can then hit ... the previous or next LR question. Does that make sense? ... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-34-section-3-question-08/
I wasn' ...
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-72-section-3-question-07/
I've struggled ... to be "near perfect," my section scores in LR have been ... situation (case in point, PT72, Section3, Question 7... seriously, wtf).
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-28-section-3-question-12/
I really do ... answer is C, and the question stem also seems to be ... a normal must be false question, thought there is only one ...
Kinda confused about this one, and why the anser is B. What does the vocal tract have to do with anything?
... 7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-33-section-3-question-08/
In JY's ... lecture, for the group 3 logical indicators such as " ... sufficient condition. So for this question, I first negate "doing research ... I got wrong on this question.
It seems as answer A is actually agreeing with Lee's argument. Am I incorrect by thinking that the question stem is asking for us to refute Lee's argument?
Why is A incorrect? Is it because having the tallest peaks in the region doesn't mean it has the absolute tallest peaks?
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-33-section-3-question-08/
I think I ... may have answered this question myself, but can you guys ... , since this is an inference question I should be taking all ...
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-40-section-3-question-18/
Between Answer Choice ... />
I am looking at this question thinking ok, Historians do not ...
Ok. The explanation JY wrote is awesome, but I still don't understand why B is correct.
Answer is E. What does this even mean? :O
E) "presumes,without providing justification, that 18 century European aesthetics is as encompassing as an aesthetic theory can be"
... ://7sage.com/lsat_explanations/lsat-46-section-3-question-24/
This sufficient assumption ... question really has me thrown. I' ... time with understanding the whole question.
I don't know why this trips me up SO BADLY, but I ended up switching this one to the correct answer in my BR.
BUT, I watched the video and I reasoned it differently.
We're taught that, if we're given a premise, we have to take it to be true, ...
Tough. Choice (E) is correct.
You can tell by using the
contrapositive on both of these statements:
If not (prices fall as rapidly as/more rapidly than
then not (production costs fall as rapidly or more ...