for AC b i equated many=some and chose e instead as it was a statement for “most” systems….but suppose since it is ratios in consideration similarity weighs more (hence not ...
First off, what type of question is this? I can't tell from the question stem. It seems like it's a cross between a SA and a MSS, but I'm not really sure.
I'm having a little trouble why seeing A is correct. Why can't there be other types ...
In the order the stimulus presents info (this may be way off):
CTX - Proposals to bring US inline with rest of the world are met with objection that it would violate US tradition
C --- The objection that curtailing US school's summer vacation ...
I put D as my answer to this question, but the correct answer is A. I don't understand why, since the stipulation for a work to be considered unique is for it to have historical or aesthetic value. How would that apply to an unflattering painting of ...
... speculation was right after finishing preptest in Preptests 70s.
< ... around 40 preptests, roughly from preptest1 to preptest 43, I found I ... such as LR sections of preptest 75. [I have less than ... to later tests such as preptest 88; maybe to maintain the ...
I'm having a hard time understanding the correct answer choice here as it seems to directly contradict the passage, which states that the amount of domestic oil reserves considered extractable has not changed in ten years. The correct answer E would indeed ...
... still struggle with 2 things: 1) timing and 2) whether to ... how I can put rules 1/2/3/etc. together. Sometimes ... and see that I have 1 minute to answer the remaining ... the explanation video of PrepTest1 - Section 2 - Game 1 vs Game 4 ... I losing my mind here? The type of work described in AC A (the alleged correct answer) isn't even mentioned in Jorge's statement. AC E (what I chose) describes a work of art that both Shanna and Jorge have differing opinions on. Unless moral ...
So while I did understand why the wrong answer choices were wrong here, I had trouble understanding why E was right. Can anyone explain their reasoning here?
The reason I had trouble understanding why E was right was ...
The gap is the owners has right to **destory** the art works from the **ethical point of view** even if the owner **possess it legally**. The premise is the possess it legally , and destory ethically is the core.
... logic game drills from preptests 1-35. My process is to ... game (ex. logic game 1 from preptest1) first under timed conditions, blind ... can get from foolproofing preptests 1-35
Is anyone able to explain this question to me? I am horrible with proportions/math/etc, and I don't understand why my answer was wrong or why the right one is right. Thank you!!
**Admin Note: Edited title and removed screenshot. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question." Also, please do not post the entire question and answer choices for the LSAC ...
... months until i was at -1/-0 consistently. Some preptests have ... tests that were -0 or -1. The tests are designed to ... do the logic games from 1-35 if you haven't ... LSAT, even the games in preptest1.