... for a necessary assumption to be sufficient. A necessary assumption does not have ... to be sufficient, and a sufficientassumption can overshoot and therefore ... , but you can have an assumption that is both necessary and sufficient.
... issue with confusion of necessary/sufficient, I would simply recommend going ... good way to test necessary assumption questions is to negate them ... guarantee or prove the conclusion. Sufficientassumption statements are usually written as ...
... responsible. Nevertheless, this is a sufficientassumption.
Simply ... put, both necessaries and sufficient only work one way. ... does not guarantee the assumption. The difference is, ... conclusion, but knowing a sufficientassumption to be true does. ...
... question because this category of sufficientassumption questions lend themselves nicely ... our approach. This is a sufficientassumption question, invariably, our conclusion ... can have an **_over-encompassing_** sufficientassumption. Something like: if an ...
... on a implicit, but reasonable, assumption, that one must be explicitly ... ? Remember that this is a sufficientassumption question, AKA we're looking ...
... apart. Making such an assumption does not, however, ... assumption closes up only a small part of that gap. Sufficientassumption ... : An assumption that, if made, ... . This type of assumption is not necessarily a ...
True, but an important caveat: A sufficientassumption can address the gap by overshooting the mark, that is, it assumes more than what is need to cover the gap. Kinda like killing a bug with a nuclear bomb.