... scored a 157 on a PT today, with a BR of ... consistently -8 or -9. My PT scores are listed below. PT 36: 166 PT 37: 165
... June 2007: 162 PT 38: 157 (BR- 167) PT tonight, or is two in ...
... -time video of writing a PT. I think I remember someone ... that in one of the PT review videos (one of the ... , and tell me exactly which PT that was?
Should I plan on taking the most recent PT available right before the exam (the week of the exam) or is it better to take it earlier? Any ideas for a strategy on how to best utilize the last 3 weeks before the test date?
There will be a study group to BR PT 41 tomorrow at 7 pm eastern time. If you would like to join please let me know so that I can add you to our Skype study group.
I thought I would get lucky and find most of the RC sections from PT 1-38 on 7Sage since I've been drilling from the Cambridge packets. Unfortunately they're not all in the ultimate course :(
... 2015. I have being doing PT's for 2 weeks now ... with 2 PT's/week as I work ... Premium package so I have PT's 36-57. This means ... should buy the more recent PT's (60 and on) in ... mean skipping some of the PT's that come with the ...
... grass while I took a PT. I was in the first ... section of my PT and on question number 14 ... managed not to pause my PT :) hopefully that won't affect ...
... my blind review score and pt score varies about 5-10 ... expected it right after my pt--felt nauseous). Im wondering how ... guess. do I simply continue pt-ing? especially bc i want ...
... , we do not swap PT explanations. Please make sure you ... If you've purchased individual PT explanations that are not included ... not specific as to what PT #s)
http://www ... ;linkCode=as2&tag=mintowin-20&linkId=e0408798e4a104bf57f50e608724a3fb
any advice for getting out of the mid 150's? My last 4 PT's have been 155-156, with a highest of 157. My LR average is 15-19, LG average 17-20, RC average 15-17. Was there anything you guys did differently that pushed you into 160's?
So today I did worse on my timed pt vs last weeks but my br went up 20 points ?
Still hitting low 150's on pt but mid 160's on br?
What exactly does this mean ?