... a live demonstration of a LR and RC section. Where can ... last two questions of the LR section are easy. However, I ... as you are doing the LR section, as you progress I ...
... by analyzing every single LR question, but especially those ... each explanation). When needed, I also look up LR explanations ... . Do confidence drills for previous LR sections.
... half of 1~35 LG, LR sections are included in the ... . I have no idea about LR.
I plan to start ... drills for all LR, RC and LG after CC ... would it be necessary for LR and RC too?
I ...
... with improving RC & LR score. To explain my situation ... and then isolating the LR Question Types that I ... passage. Also, on each LR section two of the problems ... on RC and those early LR questions? Any strategies that ... /-1, and get each LR section down to -3 ...
... questions for our community about LR:
Once you learned the ... , especially on the more difficult LR questions? Also, for those who ... not being very confident with LR, what made the difference going ...
... generally true of the 2 LR sections in the test, one ... to do better in one LR section than the other one ... am doing the test, one LR section I find reasonable. Then ... I do the other LR section, and I think, wow ...
I remember seeing that someone had created a list of the various LR question stems and the type of question they belong to. I can't find it, as it was linked somewhere in the CC. Does anyone happen to have that link readily available?
I feel like I make most my mistakes on LR because I'm rushing too much and don't catch the little details/nuances in the question stem. When I do BR, I usually get these rushed questions right. Anyone have any advice on how to tackle this?