... your application. They take your highestscore as it is, so the ... lower score is irrelevant. Unless they asked ... 's appropriate, but leave the score out of it even then ...
... We know schools use the highestscore, and while you can' ... of a single high score, you'll still have ... that and assume a low score anyway? Possibly. You could ... see a low score followed by a high score, and appreciate ... will a cancel + 170 score be seen vs a ...
... , law schools only consider your highestscore. That's how it goes ... not happy with your June score and you do a lot ... better in August, your June score doesn't matter anymore.
... concerns that you may score lower and if the ... lower score will hurt your confidence ... believe that you will score higher (not just 2 ... would view a lower score, my research shows that ... they only look at your highestscore. There are, however, some ...
... cancel: schools will take your highestscore if you've only taken ... this. Schools "take" every score. They see them all, and ... that a low score followed by a high score could indicate ... an interest in considering your highestscore, because that is what gets ...
... similar. I know that your highestscore is what is referenced in ... all depends on what your score reflects. If you're progressing ... 've also heard where people score in likee the mid 170 ...
... admissions only looks at the highestscore (not all of them therefore ... tested to get to that score) OR admissions does look at ... end up with a higher score at the end)
... admissions only looks at the highestscore (not all of them therefore ... tested to get to that score) OR admissions does look at ... end up with a higher score at the end)
... admissions only looks at the highestscore (not all of them therefore ... tested to get to that score) OR admissions does look at ... end up with a higher score at the end)
> ...
... post is absolute right. The highestscore is what matters the MOST ... test scores, so your lowest score matters. However, the ranking system ... to rely on ONLY the highestscore. As materialistic/realistic as law ...
Former admissions officer here. The LSAC CAS Report will show the admissions reader your entire LSAT history. If you have multiple scores, the school will report the highestscore but will consider the LSAT history when evaluating your file.
... should only cancel if your score was like 10+ points below ... 're going to take your highestscore. Then you can just write ... and say that your 170+ score is more representative of your ...
I don't think schools average the LSAT score...pretty sure the policy changed a while back to "super score" -- i.e. take the highestscore. unless there is that one outlier school that still averages scores....
... ? Yes law schools take your highestscore but, worst comes to worse ... , if your August score is lower than your June ... score, my understanding is that law ... look at that drop in score favorably. Waiting until October will ...
damn reading this I am in shock how much more advanced you are than me. if you have any advice I would love to hear how you got to where you are at, and what I should start doing. by the way my highestscore is a 150. Thanks!