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I took off some time to mentally recuperate from this ... going to focus on my timemanagement mainly to get through all ... should give myself some more time and rather shoot for September ... to do it differently this time around.
Hey guys, I was just wondering if you guys know which Prep Tests have readingcomp sections with comparative passages? I want to practice those but I can't seem to find the PT's that have them. Thank you guys in advance.
I'm struggling with this section to the point where my scores have gotten worse and I'm just unsure how to even approach it. Does anyone have any recommendations for drilling passages or sections or any advice? please be as specific as possible!! it will ...
... -3, but the kicker is timemanagement, -6 of last 7 Q ... so had no reference of time on the section for pacing ... myself. It has taken some time away to regroup and figure ...
... 'm also in school full time, and I have an internship ... been piling up. My study time has decreased a lot. Also ... good when it comes to timemanagement and routines and it's ...
For some strange reason, I find myself preforming better on passages that have less questions (5-6), regardless of difficulty. I use the same methods for all passages.
... and I had a hard time juggling between the LSAT and ... . I did spend as much time to prep as I could ... much more possible taking some time just to prepare for it ... suggestions for test prep or timemanagement advice would also be helpful ...
... with this is that my timemanagement has gotten a bit worse ... the correct answer nearly every time, though my confidence is usually ... emphasis do you put on timemanagement when taking a test? I ... of where I allocate my time per question.
Hey there, has anyone on here seen of, or complied a list of the more difficult RC sections in LSAT history? Wanted to try and tackle them all before sleighing the beast in two weeks.
... struggling with Inference questions in ReadingComp and was wondering if any ... have no issues with 'active reading' -- I manage to get all ... to push out inferences from readingcomp passages, I'd really appreciate ...
Currently studying for the September 2017, it is useful to practice the logical Reasoning, Logic Games and ReadingComp. questions from PrepTest 1-20...
Is this happening to anyone else? When I try printing RC practice questions from the CC, they are coming out really tiny. I tried printing from full screen as well and am getting the same results.