Hi guys, I wanted to start in the games section first, because of my low score, but don't want to miss any fundamentals which could later apply to LG. Which main sections should I do before moving into INTRO to logic games?
... doing the games 1-16 - are these games representative of ... later games on the LSAT? ... tests: are these good games to practice on? I ... have games from PT 17 through 76 ... PT's worth of games now... Obviously in a ...
... s suggestion of repeating logic games with clean copies but ... me in improving PT logic games where I'ver never ... seen those games before; it's like ... my ability to decipher the games and to determine which ... should be used on games I've never seen ...
Hey guys! So my question is, where can I find printable logic games? I can find anything online and I'm wanting the exact games in the course like J.Y. suggests. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
... from someone who did old games...
Do you think if ... we do more old games, it helps to solve those ... irregular newer games? :(
If so, from which ...
... it comes to In/Out games I absolutely bomb them every ... to improve on In/Out games to improve your accuracy and ... timing? Just doing certain games over and over again (basically ...
I have the Cambridge games packet. What would be the best way for me to use them for a month of logic games only. Should I just go through them one by one or should I mix them. Let me know what you think.
For those unique games appearing these days, do we have to use trial&error most time?
No formulated format/rules or anything?
How do you solve those games?
... . When I try a Logic Games section without the pressure of ... to make inferences and diagram games, but I'm sure there ... time/moving quickly through logic games? Am I just being impatient ...
... I am familiar with the games in them. What do people ... (and from looking at the games categorizations) that 67 and 68 ... better off looking at those games or saving them? I certainly ...
... I scored 157. Logic games are my weakest sections ... average person to master logic games. I see myself doing ... use space properly on the games I find challenging. I ... on doing 30 logic games a day fool proofing ... previous games. Do you think this ...
In @Pacifico's attacking the logic games strategy post he mentions that 7Sage has formatted the older logic games into the current 2 pages per game layout so they can be printed off and worked just like the current tests. Is this still available?
... and am focusing on the games for a few weeks to ... that when I do these games, should i just be doing ... close to perfect on the games as i can.)