Looking to form a small studygroup (5 - 10 People) who are in Central Time or willing to meet on Central Time.
Feel free to drop your email to the discussion and I will add you to a group.
Hello all,
Does anyone want to form a studygroup that is near the Houston, Texas area, preferably. If not, online zoom or google could work. I figured we can start a year+ out.
I'm trying to book a hotel for the June2021 test, but LSAC still has TBD on the actual test date. The only info I see is "starting June 12". Does anyone know how soon LSAC releases the actual date before the test? Thanks!
Looking to organize a studygroup for August! Message me your email and ill send a link to GroupMe. Hoping to do reviews over zoom and working core curriculum. If nothing else, just a system of support and accountability before the test!
I am looking for a studygroup for October November testers who are willing to study minimum twice a week and that are committed to this fully.If anyone is interested, please let me know.
I've noticed a lot of posts talking about wanting an August studygroup. I'm in the process of making a discord, if anyone wants the link, please private message me!
I am just curious is the June2021 disclosed? I remember hearing all flex exams are nondisclosed exam except the May 2020 one. But just wanted to double check!
Hi guys, I just got back my score! Does anyone know if we can access the IRR for the June2021 Flex? My icon says "not available yet". It would be super helpful for review.
Hey guys! I'm looking for a few people to form an online studygroup for the upcoming August LSAT. I'm in the Eastern Standard Time zone. If you're interested, let me know! Drop your email in the discussion thread or send me a message :smile:
... anyone looking to start a studygroup for the August LSAT test ... would like to form a group to go over RC sections ... and we can start a group. Happy studying and we got ...