Any thoughts? How did you guys feel about it?
I got 3 sections, 2 with 25 questions and 1 with 26 questions.
I think I did OK... but totally bombed the RC...
... of familiarity with the LSAT. LogicalReasoning became a section that I ... tests. Get use to how LogicalReasoning feels, figure out what questions ...
... , I finished most of the LogicalReasoning book and got my first ... exposure to the Conditional Reasoning / and a bit of Formal ... knowledge of Logic Games and LogicalReasoning, just minimal drilling at this ...
... obtain a better approach towards logicalreasoning and reading comprehension. I started ... and I've read the LogicalReasoning and Games bibles from cover ...
I am almost done learning LR as part of the CC. JY uses diagrams often, when explaining the answers. So far, I am doing really well without using any diagrams. Does this mean I am naturally good at LR,or do most people not use diagrams?
Hello Fellow 7Sagers,
I am interested to see what your overall thoughts are of the PT. I am even more interested to see what your thoughts are regarding the logicalreasoning sections. Thank you.
... been scoring virtually perfectly on logicalreasoning, missing 1 to 3 questions ... because I had my worst logicalreasoning test in months twice in ... , I caught most of the logicalreasoning mistakes in blind review. But ...
Hi everyone! So, I have finished all the curriculum and I am doing the December Exam. I am now doing timed sections. So far, my biggest challenge is answering all the questions on time. I missed an average of 2 to 3 questions in each timed section I have ...
I feel like I'm having trouble with the SAs and the PSAs, even though JY says they should be freebies on the test. I did really well on the SAs in the core curriculum, when just working in lawgic. But when working through the English statements in the ...