I would try PT'ing in the location you're taking the LSAT if possible? I know some people have difficulty either going to their location easily (due to it being too far) or it being restricted. My testingcenter is open so I just do PTs there.
There was a girl in my testingcenter who brought a digital watch but the proctors didnt say anyyhing about it, despite standing in front of her. Would this be grounds for reporting to LSAC?
@kunalkanodia I am an accommodated test taker and its honestly very hard to get your LSAT changed on a different day and time. It depends mostly on where you live, testingcenter, and how crowded it is.
How was the attendance at everyone's testingcenter? I took the June test and there was about 80 people and today I was surprised that there was only 32.
I'm almost positive it's going to be a different test. Did they tell you why they postponed? I'd assume it may be due to weather conditions or unavailability of the testingcenter.