... am on the wait list at my top choice school; the rest ... a response for the wait list school and others? Would it ... if I also notify my top choice that my new score ...
Has anyone ever been on one and what should I expect? This is not to be confused with a Georgetown interview. I'm expecting a tour and maybe a class visit but honestly have no idea.
... attention to my school app list. I recall stumbling upon a ... their respective schools e.g. Georgetown students describing the collaborative vibe ...
... I wanted to go to Top 14, but when I look ... . Why would you apply to Top 14 or WUSTL ED? Why ... from WUSTL and Top 14? It appears that Top 14 means better ...
... updated our [Application Requirements for Top Law Schools](https://7sage.com ... /admissions/lesson/application-requirements-for-top-schools/), and we'll continue ...
... instance, Harvard asks you to "list the academic honors, awards, or ... , so I got Dean's List (GPA of 3.50+), Provost ... am I actually supposed to list all of these? It seems ... question with summa cum laude----"top 5% of class"?
I am thinking of seating for the June 2019 Exam. Does anyone has taken the exam in Georgetown or Albany? If yes, how was your experience at these centers.