... have a question. Whenever doing timed sections/PTs I always used ... off not going into a section with the intention of finishing ... mind NOT finish the whole section? But once I thought about ... the mindset of completing each section.(Probably would have done worse ...
... 've started doing these as timed sections. I've gone through ... 2 timed sections, alongside the 2 from ... />
I have not finished any timed sections but I do, of ... then like to do the section again (sometimes directly after, other ...
... did both of them timed during a full practice ... THEN redid both sections, timed as well, and got ... of the second LR section is clearly much more ... great outcome but the second section killed my score overall. ... preptests usually have one section of the LR that ...
... the second LR section? I did them timed during a full ... of the second LR section is clearly much more ... 85% on the first section is a great outcome ... but the second section killed my score overall. ... preptests usually have one section of the LR that ...
... missed 5pts on a RC section due to second guessing! Obviously ... has always been my worst section so this just makes me ... but who knows during the timed PT, -30??? Ugh so frustrated ...
... 10 minutes total
After Section 3 15 minutes total standard ... 10 minutes total
After Section 5 10 minutes total timed conditions for myself so any ...
... not struggled with an LG section in such a long time ... . I just retook the LG section from PT 57 (Which I ... tired today, or is the section more difficult than average? I ... found the section a bit more difficult than ...
when you start a section , full timed pt, or a set 20- ... , AND THIRD questions of that section, pt, or drill set, that ... wrong, especially in a timed individual LR section.
... continues to be my worst section. If I am able ... an entire LG section during a timed test and they ... br />
1. Take 3 timed PT/BR this week (72 ... 78) on Monday but timed per section then focus on drilling LG ... of my time taking timed PT/BR or focusing ...
... the middle of the RC section - which is usually my ... feel like the RC section or the LR section before it was ... 162,163). I took a timed, proctored PT 73 last ... to choke on the LG section. But that's always ... my worst section. I normally get -2 ...
... but is there a common section where the LSAC places their ... experimental section in the test? For example ... , is the experimental section more likely to show up ... ways to tell if a section is experimental or not? I ...
I reviewed the PT76 LR section today and can't find the experimental section for LR. I had five sections on my PT76 while the 7sage only have four sections' explanation. Any idea?
... poorly on the logical reasoning section, especially with weakening questions. What ... get them right when doing timed practice tests. Any ideas? Thanks ...
Just finished my first timed practice LSAT after ... did the diagnostic one timed so this really was ... first ever long testing, timed, sit down session I ... the time better and the timed test scores increase? Or ... got in regards to the timed test? What are your ...
I was just wondering...
So is there a sample of writing section?
There is explanation for LG, RC, LR, but I dont see any writing sample...
I know it does not matter, but it's still part of the test so...
... were wracking during the first section and I believe i totally ... bombed section one. Anyways, as the test ... believed I significantly underperformed for section one. I will be retesting ...
Hello! I'm wondering what is the best way to improve on LR. I heard of the drilling packets and I'm debating getting them. Has anyone improved using them? Or should I just stick to doing timed sections and blind review?