... c) names The General Problem At Hand. Sometimes it skips the ... back to the viewpoint of at least one of these groups ... that are usually laid out at the end of the passage ...
I seem to be having a glitch with my proctor app on iphone. About 10 minutes through my 15 minute break, the app shuts off and when I turn it back on it's at the beginning again. Anyone else experience the same thing?
i'm taking a new preptest on Sunday and wonder whether anyone else would be interested in getting together to take it with me. i'd prefer to emulate test conditions (e.g. starting at 8:30AM). let me know!
I am hoping there's at least one person out there looking for a study buddy. I plan on taking the Feb, 2014 LSAT and could team up with someone who is looking to go hard and kill this exam. comtact me at adrianmondesir@gmail.com.
At the beginning of JY's ... ". Do you guys generally look at his time recommendations and use ... reviewing them and getting faster at forcing out inferences and finishing ...