... I graduated llb program in my country ı want ... (FF) then ı entered University exam again and ı changed ... ı graduated from istanbul university. in istanbul university transcript these three courses ... were(AA) but In my previous university transcripts these three ...
... materials besides Logical Game Bundles in the end of August. Then ... wrong. I stopped prep test. In the winter, I bought old ... . After I transfer to Fordham Universityin my junior year, I am ...
... in Canada. On the top right hand corner, there’s Columbia University ... name, this is York University’s law school. The ... -degree program with the University of Detroit Mercy, which ... also expensive options. Bond Universityin Brisbane actually offers Canadian law ...
... graduated from a top universityin California and was wondering how ... my cumulative GPA cold? As in they just look at that ... last two years at the University that I graduated from? University I graduated from is: 3 ...
... program run out of Butler Universityin the United States (IFSA-Butler ... ]. I though that, since Butler University is a US institution and ... with other study abroad programs in general?
... of my credits at a Universityin 2 years. So total ... until the Fall to start university. I was working 35 ... didn't finish my education in 3 years. I just ... finished my 4 year degree in 4 years like normal ...
So, I went to French university, and they are score snobs ... or worse if you're in an "elite school". So ... American applicants and also not in the top for a ... normal student in France because I didn' ... />
I also went to a universityin China for a year and ...
... went back to my home university and spent nearly a whole ... although my university does not consider P/F in their GPA ... Literature major with a minor in Forensics and Criminality and so ... , I went to a competitive universityin California--do law schools take ...
I graduated from a universityin Hawaii that issued A+s but it was still considered a "4.0". Can someone please tell me what the truth is: Does LSAC consider my A+ a "4.3" or a "4.0"??
... my undergrad at Florida International Universityin Miami,Florida. unfortunately due to ... and transferred to George Mason University where I graduated with a ... my GPA will end up in LSAC as I just ... my transcripts. Has anyone been in a similar situation and can ...
... year of undergrad at my universityin Japan and I wanted to ... 'm planning on applying in the next cycle, in hopes of attending ... school straight out of college in the fall of '21. I ... other international applicants who are in a similar situation as me ...
... -ranked universityin Europe. All in all, earning 2 degrees in 4 ... and did mock trial in high school, none of ... paralegal at a solid firm in NYC.
So although, in my mind, I have been ... graduation? Has anyone been in/know of a similar ...
... legal academy hosted at a universityin Switzerland during my undergrad years ... of program sponsored by my university, and since it was less ... completed at a college or university outside the United States or ...
... Florida International Universityin 2019 with a BS in Communications. I ... and arguments grew exponentially. In addition, the comment section ... applications ready to submit in early September. At this ... and community in this process.
I just graduated universityin May with my B.A ... did a full honors program in undergrad, so as you ... and working part time in order to commit as much ... programs I am interested in are at schools that are ... ample study time will work in my favor. Would really ...
Hi there-- I'm ramping up my studying for the January 2022 test and I'm hoping to create a small group for consistent studying at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. The library's open hours are below. I'm aiming for post-work evenings on the ...
Could anyone please tell me if/when they are going to announce the August 2024 testing dates for International test-takers? I go to universityin the US so I need to know so I can coordinate my flight plans if needed.