... a stab at it... The key to this question is understanding _why_ ... to ask, "Whatisit that explains this supposed counterexample?" Itis presumable that the ... even if that is not the answer, it comes down to the ... because we don't if itis actually as big as the ...
Passage 4 question 23. This is an analogy question. These ... first get clear on precisely whatisit we have been asked ... copying (making more available) iswhat Garber says brings down the ... .
(D) is correct because it follows our low resolution ...
Well, whatisit about these question types that makes you struggle? I would assume if you're doing well with formal logic and you go that route with these question types, then you should be doing fine with them..
Whatisit that you look for when you're recording yourself? Isit just how long you're spending on each question? I'm not really sure what I'm looking for when I re-watch.
... e.g., timing)? If so, whatisit (what are they)?
... wanting to get through it first rather than coming ... back to it later and attempting an ... took the test) and it left me with 5 ... the last passage which is obviously awful timing on ...
... I think of what MBT and what weakens the conclusion ... completely lost. Thinking about what's "required" just wasn ... m fully aware of whatit means. I also look ... negate all the AC? Whatisit that you're having ... the issue with? Isit spotting or noticing the ...
... exams is not a very safe bet to gauge your performance nor isit ... anywhere near your true scoring potential ... and repeat. On the LSAT itis really important to practice taking ...
Whatisit about the hiking and camping experience that you think best highlights who you are to the admissions committee? At the end of the day I think it really comes down to how you write it. Have you tried writing a draft of both?
> @Kermit750 said:
> Whatisit about the hiking and camping ... of the day I think it really comes down to how ... you write it. Have you tried writing a ...
To get more specific about your goals, when you say " ... line" do you mean your goal is only a few points ... If so, whatisyour goal and whatis the average of your last 5 or ... get an idea of what kind of gap we ... with a full breakdown of your sections: -3 on LG ...
I would make sure to engage with the argument more. Think about it, whatisit really saying? What's wrong with it? Do you agree with it? I feel the more engaged I am with the stimulus the better I retain it.