... my own schedule using the PowerScore books andthe LSAT Trainer. After completing ... reviews answers of that respective PT), and did RC and LG using the Cambridge ... combined.
... argument and C doesn't. The only scenario I can think ofis if ... a symptom of a disease is ... that many aren't. And also the questions stem itself says ... have been infected outside of athens and brought the disease back to ...
I chose D but the answer is E. I still don't ... is wrong.
If the bear population in areas ofthe Abbimac Valley outside the ... an answer? And why is E right? What's thedifference between them?
... there are books that group the logical reasoning into question types ... by the type of flaw
EX.) the flaw: Absence of evidence-describes the flaw and ... />
do this for each type of flaw
(I feel this ... me see how each type of flaw is used in a lsat ...
... understand why (E) is wrong because the stim. is not defending (never says ... someone could explain thedifference between context and fact (this iswhat confused me answer ... to get a better understand of context vs fact in case ...
... personally struggling with making the decision of taking Dec exam ...
Retake in June, and get in the upper 160s, say 167 ...
Would the admissions be dubious about such a jump? Is that ... have to explain or is that a given that ... to be a lot of talk about not wanting ...
This is a necessary assumption question. I correctly identified whatisthe premise ( aesthic value --> ... the interpretation) andthe conclusion ( objective evaluation of a poem is possible -> popular belief is ...
This is a ... nothing to address the relationship between the premise and conclusion. ... how this paraphrases what I was looking for ... the stimulus? Where isthe idea of something being important mentioned in the ...
I'm studying the curriculum and found the negation of "all" a little confusing.
I understand that the logical opposite of "some" is just "none."
But isn't "not all" the negation of ...
... professor of mine stressed that there is no such thing as “the law.” What ... he was trying to bring out is that the law is dynamic ... areas of interest and at the same time is interesting and without end. There is no ...
... />
1) Whatisthe Main Point ofthe passage
MP ... That isthe basis of his argument andthe main point ofthe passage.< ... the prior questions the more stable the economy andthe better the regime is doing, the more likely
The seating rows are ... the tests are done on Saturday there is usually plenty of space and I ... day. The staff at the February write were much more organized and more ...
... />
We must accept the premises andthe conclusion as true for LSAT ... as true, that is affirming the necessary condition ofthe logic in choice E ... B--> A statement, and holding A and B in my hands ... , with no understanding of where ...
... law schools and I keep receiving conflicting advice on the direction ... this essay. I hope the 7sage community can lend their ... school, making this point the anchor ofthe essay. Others, whom I ... that jumps off the page andis memorable. I suppose the two ideas I ...
... be beneficial to know the supposed difficulty of problem sets before we ... being the results from 7Sage members. How is that data gathered andis it ... a good indication of general difficulty ...
... greater governmental subsidies in the past.
(whatisthe best way to analyze ... societies help to maintain the fine arts.
(whatisthe best way to ... , and enrichment ofthe fine arts in any era require governmental subsidies.
(whatisthe ...
... busy when I originally took the test and barley studied. Unfortunately, I ... retake the test when I had more time to study and not ... apply to last school until the next year ... which is my area of interest. I'm now studying for the LSAT ...
... the June and September test are identical. The only thing that has changed isthe ... format ofthe ... test. You were not previously granted a waiver ofthe ...
Intuitively I thought what said in the argument is contradicting...I thought ... people usually learn from history and ... ?)
But in the argument it says it' ... ...and that confused me a lot. Whatis working out of ...
... />
D) This iswhat I am unsure of. I said this is wrong because ... it is comparative, it's bout what ... .
E) This isthe contrapositive ofthe first two premises and thus the correct answer.
... relevant and important for the comedy film Quirks, because that is where comedy is ... the argument's conclusion that the criticism of film for not being realistic is ... says the film is successful, it doesn't mean that criticism ofthe film ...
... score is a 165 and I have taken a total of ... and I scored 158,158,159, and a 154 (which iswhat ... may have to take the December and February(if needed) ... my recent scores of 158,158,159 and 154 in ... 3. If a 165 is possible, whatisthe best possible approach I ...
... wanted a little clarification on the correct answer. I previously chose ... answer choice, however the correct answer is E. The reason why I didn ... 't choose E is because ... a bit skeptical about this and therefore got it wrong :( ...
... of course not until the JACK HAMMERING! was right next to the building andthe ... -SECTION! while the silliness continued. Then we finished the rest ofthe test. So ... even know what to say. It was beyond description and 100% more ...