For MSS/must be true questions on RC that don't have a point of view in the question stem, can we assume that they are looking for what the author thinks? Ex:whatis most strongly supported? What can be inferred from the passage?
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3. average PT score is 152/154
4. ... NOT @nicole.hopkins . His name is D*****
I ... met from Reddit, his name is D****, and the tutor ... going over 160. Whatis REALLY weird is that when i drill ... -4 and -8, which iswhat i wish i was.
... could not identify what type of games they were. Is it like ... the newer tests and it is just something which I need ... to get familiar with, or is this test just weird? When ... , so I am not sure whatis going on.
... this argument/figure out what it is talking about. I had ... no idea what any of ... down for me? This is my best paraphrase (which ... is where I just flat out can't figure out whatis ... going on. Whatis the rest of ...
... assumption question. I correctly identified whatis the premise ( aesthic value --> ... of a poem is possible -> popular belief is false). I realized ...
... it could explain why recovery is better for those in small ... inherently different from illnesses, which iswhatis referred to in the stimulus ... ?
... /
I don't understand whatis the difference between the biconditional ... use the conditional. The conditional is going from positive to negative ...
... PT?
2) What scores have you plateaued at ... studying?
4) Whatis your PT average over the ... 5 PTs?
5) Whatis your LSAT goal?
... 6) What are you struggling with when ... questions?
7) What are you hoping to gain ...
What I am looking for: Big ... The argument never talks about whatis true of EACH person (we ...
Answer D: This is exactly what I anticipated, so I picked ... , or poet." Sure, there is an assumption that painters, musicians ...
... Volunteered? I try to see whatis indicated as the necessary condition ... language from statements without indicators. Is this a good idea? Are ...
1. Whatis the Goal of Active Reading ... credibility
3. What should I specifically look for ... cases”: Defines the parameters of what we’re talking about ( ... to confidential date”: States what the problem is
5. Circle ...
... four games within 35 minutes, what criteria do you use ( ... were necessary. An alternative is to build hypotheticals "on ... going into a new LG: Whatis your criteria and, most importantly ... , for each criterion whatis your reasoning for doing so?
... have a good understanding of whatis technically wrong with A. How ... be the same.
What I am looking for: Both ... . P is wrong because he misses the point of what it means ... P assumes that “identical meaning” is influenced by the “physical” placement ...
... 't figure out whatis technically wrong with B ... being realistic is wrong.
What I am ... looking for: If a comedy is funny, ...
Answer D: This is close to what I anticipated, so I ... during BR. However, what technically makes this better ...
When an author starts off a RC passage with a Question is that generally a phenom begging 4 an explanation? or generally speaking whatis the purpose of questions posed throughout an RC passage? thanks
—Is there anything wrong with diagramming ... />
—The decision to diagram is often related to timing, so ... levels of LSAT certainty
—Whatis “hunt-mode” and when do ... help with hunting?
—What types of questions are best ...
... the question "whatis real?" is to say that something is real IF AND ... described is flawed.
What I am looking for: This is PSA ... explanatory powerful theory. That's what I anticipated, but I'm ... is the correct answer, but I don't really see what ...
The snack discussion made me laugh about my own bag... it was STUFFED! But I was not worried about forgetting anything. It was rather funny seeing how people utilized their bags at the testing center. It seemed most guys had a drink, pencils and a cliff ...
... br />
ii. Read for function: Whatis the author doing in this ... . Main Point: Whatis the passage trying to tell me, whatis the passage ... looking to convince me of, whatis the central argument
< ... of the passage”
ii. “Whatis the main point of the ...
... br />
o The important thing iswhat you annotate (main point, ... in your brain of what everything is saying and how it ... say okay, whatis the role/rule/function in this. Whatis the critical ... you don’t understand what the passage is asking about? ...
What type of decrease, if any, do you all experience when taking too long of a break between timed, 5-section tests? Whatis recommended as an ideal schedule for PT taking?