For LR clearly. When you see a question involves heavy Lawgic say MBT MBF Parallel reasoning etc.. Doyou start mapping the lawgic right away or read it first then read it again and Map it out?
... getting a 156. Based on what I had been scoring on ... , but I am really unsure what to do at this point. I ... the test in September and do well on it and be ... much more wise than I, what should I do?????
... how many PTs doyou still have to do if you want to take ... the Sept. test?
Did you ... all of the PTs you want to finish and ... doyou still have fresh PTs you are going to do? How are you ... may not be the one you want to take...
When you draw sub-game board or mini game board for questions that add new rules, doyou draw "X cannot be here" or "X must be here" rule each time? Or doyou just refer to the original board for those rules?
... 10 questions are easiest and you should just pick the ans ... . you think correct without seeing other ... so on average how long doyou take per question in this ...
Just wondering how other students do...
If you have free time all the day, (weekends, summer vacation etc)
How doyou study? How many questions or sections doyoudo&review?
For those getting consistently - 0 in LG, how doyou guys do in timing? Doyou usually have bunch of time left after doing all 4 games? or doyou need full 34 min (excluding 1min for bubbling)?
... how doyou know you have a realistic goal?
How doyou know you reach ... time and effort you can get any score you want.
Some ... people may be able to do so ... improve.
And when you turn back, you may feel "since I ...
Hey, I recently started the CC and I was curious to know are you all drilling question types while doing CC or doyou guys wait until after you have completely finished CC?
... that I've given you background, please read ... what I learn from the Fool Proof Method (i.e. what questions doyou ... ask yourself/whatdoyou observe about ... the LG set)
Hey guys, Doyou go back to review your wrong questions, such as one week later after the blinde review? or doyou review them before the real LSAT test?