Does anyone know whether the makeup exam will have the logic games printed on 2 pages (i.e. post June 2012 style) or single page (i.e. pre June 2012)? I'm hoping it's the former, but curious on whether I should expect to have less room toworkwith on LG.
Graeme Blake touched upon this (Think he used toworkwith 7Sage). Check his link out:
Patrick, I know 7sage sells a logic games bundle in the add-on section. It includes all games from PT 1-35 which will give you lots of material toworkwith. If you want more games past 35, then cambridge lsat sells them also.
... of problem sets you get with full explanations and the prep ... it. But if you want to upgrade, I'd say get ... you lots of problem sets toworkwith and JY's great explanations ... your absolute dedication in order to finish by February.
... of conditional language and pieces toworkwith. I was taught that diagramming ... re unfamiliar and uncomfortable trying to mentally solve it, then ... stimulus and use your intuition to find the correct answer ... that you don't want to let diagramming become a ...
For me, I considered my career goals and where I want towork. With that in mind, I made a list of schools that interest me and depending on my LSAT score, I'll decide whether it's realistic to apply to all of those schools or only a few.
... even worth it. I work for an amazing chocolate company ... team and I get toworkwith some amazing and friendly ... trend, I can look to get a promotion and steadily ... inside, I always wanted to study law. I've ... to law schools. I don't know whether it will work ...
... feeling you'll come to look forward to the comparative passages; I ... the others: quicker reads, more toworkwith, and the relationship between the ...
... I think it's important to note that we as LSAT ... have SO many real PT toworkwith because idk of another ... any real questions for you to do before taking the ... though it's pretty hard to tell that you're ... we have over 80 tests towork through so I don't ...
... sections, and then move forward with PTing 35+?
... ve got about 40 Preptests toworkwith. That should be more ... than enough to help you reach your ... potential. Consensus seems to be to use the older tests ... few PTs and BRs with them if you'd ...
... an individual cubicle with an overhead fluorescent light toworkwith. The desk has ... plenty of space on it towork. The ... plenty of time to get prepared and were great with the administration ...
Just to extend upon the advice given here, I would call rather than email. It's pretty easy to get a hold of an actual human there and your issue is one they should be more than willing toworkwith you on. Good luck and here's to a speedy recovery!
... You will need toworkwith your psychiatrist to get the necessary ... testing, in addition to documentation from your university ... that specializes in ADHD) to manage your condition, then ... need to talk to them about the criteria and workwith them to ...
Gotcha. I finally graduated in Dec and got back into this just about 1 month now, so It's more than enough for me towork on at this point anyways. Thanks Dillon.
I think the decision to go withat least the starter package is ... , and there are excellent examples to go with it. I also think ... games and keep it up with PT's and excellent BR ... probably have a good chance at another 4 points by June ...
... should consider going somewhere nearby to your work like Starbucks or a ... laptop/tablet and some materials to write withtoworkwith you and study for ... , by going somewhere to study immediately after work, my brain was sort ...
... thing you don’t want to do is get surprised the ... . One, you have no time toworkwith and master a new game ... of debate about how best to manage the later tests, and ... side has seemed increasingly convincing to me.
I agree with the general sentiment that teaching material to lower-scoring folks ... . But dismissing OP's desire toworkwith like-achieving folks as an ... attempt to create a "mutual admiration society ...
... . If you're starting to burn out, just do ... PTs a week (reduce to 1 if necessary). If ... just my opinion, modify it toworkwith your schedule!
Don ... me what sections I need towork on, what questions types ... I need to review, and where I ...
... simple and effective. You have to deny the relationship between the ... is the most concise way to think about it. When you ... this method, it becomes easy to see how you can rephrase ... />
A little easier toworkwith once you understand how to get there. Again ...
... sounds like a great plan with the limited time you have ... started and where you want to land with your scores! Feel free ... to PM about this, it could ... for you toworkwith someone to create a specific study schedule to maximize the ...
- Work out! Morning workouts are my ... energy I need to get through 9-hr work days.
- Tan ... because I'll show up toworkwith a dozen brownies and demand ... of them. Lol.
- Run with the latest Drizzy Drake playlist ...