People who do not take sleeping pills spend at least as many total hours asleep each night as do the people who take sleeping pills.
Most people who have trouble falling asleep and who use behavior modification techniques fall asleep more slowly than do most people who have no trouble falling asleep.
Many people who use only behavior modification techniques to help them fall asleep have never used sleeping pills.
The people who are the most likely to take sleeping pills rather than practice behavior modification techniques are those who have previously had the most trouble falling asleep.
The people who are the most likely to practice behavior modification techniques rather than take sleeping pills are those who prefer not to use drugs if other treatments are available.
It is cited as evidence against the conclusion that chemical R is safe for humans.
It is advanced to support the contention that test results obtained from laboratory rats cannot be extrapolated to humans.
It illustrates the claim that rats are too short lived to be suitable as test subjects for the carcinogenic properties of substances to which humans are chronically exposed.
It is used as evidence to support the hypothesis that chemical R causes cancer in humans via long-term exposure.
It is cited as being insufficient to support the conclusion that chemical R is safe for humans.
Some children adopt problematic behaviors as a result of getting what they want.
Some child and parent relationships mutually influence each other’s behavior.
Some parents unintentionally cause their children’s problematic behavior.
A child can develop problematic behavior patterns as a result of getting what it wants.
A child and parent can mutually influence each other’s behavior.
Parents, by their choices, can inadvertently increase their child’s level of misbehavior.
A child can unintentionally influence a parent’s behavior in ways contrary to the child’s intended goals.
A child can get what it wants by doing what its parent doesn’t want it to do.
Really tough question. Reading only the question stem, it's not clear what type of question it is. Some general "principle" type, I suppose. So, you read the stimulus and then glance at the answers again. Notice there's an argument in the stimulus. Notice the answers are all conditionals. We're looking for a PSA answer choice. We can get away with fudging some ideas because the question stem has the word "most" in it.
So let's lay the argument out.
Sentence 1 zooms into the subset of "Most TV shows". What about them? They depend on advertising funding.
show alive --> funding
/funding --> /show alive (think canceled show)
Sentence 2 tells us a necessary condition of advertising funding.
funding --> many people buy product
Now we get to chain up:
show alive --> funding --> many people buy product
Sentence 3 runs the contrapositive on the whole chain.
/many people buy product --> /funding --> /show alive
[I think we really could have done without sentence 3 since it's not adding anything new. We could have chained up sentences 1 and 2 on our own and also ran the contrapositive on our own. Sentence 3 feels redundant to me.]
Now, sentence 4, the conclusion.
feel show worth preserving --> buy product
All together now:
[P] show alive --> funding --> many people buy product
[C] feel show worth preserving --> buy product
What's our most standard, cookie cutter formulation of a PSA or SA answer choice that we are trained to anticipate and look for?
With some cleverly crafted referential phrasing, that's precisely what (B) is saying:
IF [a TV show would be canceled unless many people took certain actions], THEN [everyone who feels that the show is worth preserving out to take those actions]. IF [P], THEN [C]
Try to figure it out before reading on.
IF [P], THEN [C]
[P] is [a TV show would be canceled unless many people took certain actions]
[C] is [everyone who feels that the show is worth preserving out to take those actions]
[P] first. "unless" is group 3, negate sufficient. "not a TV show would be canceled --> many people took certain actions" =
"show alive --> many people took certain actions"
What could those actions possibly be referring to? Buy product.
"show alive --> many people buy product"
Now [C]. "everyone" is group 1, sufficient. "feel show worth preserving --> take those actions" Again, what could those actions possibly be referring to? Again, buy product.
"feel show worth preserving --> buy product"
The problem with answer choice (A) is that it's not describing the same shows that the stimulus is describing. The shows in the stimulus depended for their survival on MANY people buying a product. This conforms to our common sense expectations of TV shows. I would expect that the real life TV shows that depend on advertising funding would depend for their survival on MANY people buying whatever products they're meant to be buying.
(A) however talks about a set of TV shows whose survival depends on ONE single person buying a product. "would be canceled unless one took certain actions" What show in the world's survival is dependent on a single person taking some action? I have no idea. But whatever the TV shows (A)'s talking about, they're not the same TV shows that the stimulus talked about.
Those who are easily angered are less likely to recover fully from episodes of heart disease than are other people.
Medication designed to control high blood pressure can greatly affect the moods of those who use it.
People with permanently high blood pressure who have tranquil personalities virtually never develop heart disease.
Those who discover that they have heart disease tend to become more easily frustrated by small difficulties.
The physiological factors that cause permanently high blood pressure generally make people quick to anger.