Gaby: In school, children should be allowed fully to follow their own interests, supported by experienced teachers who offer minimal guidance. This enables them to be most successful in their adult lives.

Logan: I disagree. Schoolchildren should acquire the fundamental knowledge necessary for future success, and they learn such fundamentals only through disciplined, systematic instruction from accredited teachers.

Speaker 1 Summary
Gaby says that children in school should get to follow their interests, with support from teachers but minimal guidance. In support, Gaby claims that this model of education would enable the children to be most successful as adults.

Speaker 2 Summary
Logan argues that Gaby is wrong; in other words, children should not just follow their interests in school. Why not? Because children should learn fundamental knowledge that they need to succeed in the future. Logan says that this is only possible through disciplined and systematic teaching, which is at odds with freely following various interests.

We’re looking for a point of disagreement. Gaby and Logan disagree about the best model of education: free exploration or disciplined and systematic instruction.

the way in which schoolchildren best acquire fundamental knowledge
Logan thinks that the only way for children to acquire fundamental knowledge is through disciplined and systematic instruction, but Gaby doesn’t disagree. In fact, Gaby doesn’t talk about fundamental knowledge at all.
the extent to which teachers should direct schoolchildren’s education
Gaby thinks that teachers should minimally direct education, but Logan thinks they should provide a lot of direction: this is the point of disagreement. Logan doesn’t say this outright, but “disciplined, systematic instruction” indicates a teacher-directed structure.
the importance of having qualified teachers involved in schoolchildren’s education
Both speakers indicate that it’s important for qualified teachers to be involved in education. Gaby talks about “experienced” teachers and Logan talks about “accredited” teachers, meaning both of them care about teachers’ qualifications.
the sort of school environment that most fosters children’s creativity
Neither speaker talks about creativity. Gaby’s proposal sounds like it might foster creativity, but that’s not a claim Gaby actually makes, just that it will enable success. Likewise, Logan talks about “fundamentals” without mentioning if creativity is included.
the extent to which schoolchildren are interested in fundamental academic subjects
Neither speaker talks about whether children are interested in fundamental academic subjects. Gaby talks about letting children follow their interest, and Logan talks about fundamental knowledge, but neither mentions if there’s an overlap between the two.