It is widely believed that the most environmentally sensible thing to do is to buy food from local farmers whenever it is available. But the distance that food travels turns out to be only a small part of its environmental impact. Certain foods can be produced with far less impact in some places rather than others. So, sometimes it is environmentally preferable to buy food that is not produced locally, rather than buy locally produced food.

Summarize Argument: Counter-Position
The author concludes that it’s sometimes environmentally preferable to buy non-locally produced food than to buy locally produced food. This is because the distance that food travels makes up only a small part of the food’s environmental impact. And, some locations allow production of certain foods with far less environmental impact. For example, maybe coffee production in South America causes less damage to the environment than coffee production in North America. In this case, getting coffee from South America might be less damaging than getting it from North America, even if North American coffee is local.

Identify Argument Part
The referenced text is the view that the author rejects.

It is a principle upon which the reasoning in the argument is based.
The referenced text does not support the author’s conclusion. It’s the view the conclusion rejects.
It is a general principle that is used to support a particular activity that falls under it.
The author does not describe any particular activity supported by the first sentence. The referenced text is a view that the author rejects.
It is a general principle that is used to reject a particular activity that is not compatible with it.
The author does not use the referenced text to reject an activity. It describes the activity that the author rejects.
It is a view that is rejected by the argument.
This accurately describes the role of the referenced text. Some think it’s environmentally better to buy local food whenever possible. The author concludes that this is not true.
It is the conclusion of the argument.
The referenced text is the view the author rejects. The conclusion is the rejection of this view.