News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

Search Results for: LSAT

[This is a lesson excerpt from our online course, for which we invite you to enroll.] When you’re taking your timed, practice LSATs, you must practice skipping the hard LR/RC/Games questions.  That […]

[This is a lesson excerpt from our online course, for which we invite you to enroll.] To weaken any argument on the LSAT’s Logical Reasoning section, you have to understand one thing. […]

This mind map shows the contents of the Arguments section of our top-rated LSAT course’s Core Curriculum. Does your LSAT prep course cover this? For a printable PDF version of the mind […]

[This is a lesson excerpt from our online course, for which we invite you to enroll.] Thomas Edison said that genius is “1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” Rene Descartes said […]

Sometimes it can feel like we are prisoners to our own habits, and indeed, research suggests more than 40% of our daily actions are automatic processes we no longer screen. As […]