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Don't know what to do about my Logic Games score

petitigrepetitigre Member
edited August 2015 in General 227 karma
I have been studying for the LSAT for MONTHS... almost a year. In that time, all of my sections have improved except for Logic Games. I average about a 68% correct on this section. I have used the Foolproof Method for all of the practice tests I've taken. I drill and drill until I can do each game perfectly. But as soon as I get to a new PT, I freeze up. I usually only have time for the first and second game... and if I'm really stuck, I'll only have time for the first game. Another common fate: I finish the first and second games in good time. And then I get stuck on 3 and 4, and get flustered and read everything wrong and end up guessing for the last two games. It's really, really bad. If the first game is usually the easiest and I'm stuck on it... I clearly have serious issues.

I really do not know what more I can do. I am signed up for the test in October and I'm getting nervous. I just don't know what to do. This is apparently the easiest section for most people to improve in, and the easiest one to get -0 on, so... what's wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to take the things I learned from my drills and apply them. Even if I remember the answer in a drill, I still practice as if I don't, going through the thinking process of elimination and selection. I'll pull out entire game sections from a month ago, and still be able to do the old ones perfectly. I just can't do any new ones.

I'm so stuck :(.


  • AlejandroAlejandro Member Inactive ⭐
    2424 karma
    Forget about everything else and just do LG for a week or maybe even a little bit more.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    1489 karma
    Hm... when you see a new game are you able to identify its type? This is sequencing, grouping, whatever?
  • petitigrepetitigre Member
    227 karma
    @brna0714 Yes, at least I think I can. That is, I guess if I were really so bad at games, I wouldn't know if I couldn't identify them.
  • brna0714brna0714 Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited August 2015 1489 karma
    Okay. First, it'll be okay! Consider sticking with one type of game until you've mastered it instead of doing full sections. You're trying to drill into your brain the idea that they're all essentially the same. "This is a double layer sequencing game. I've seen a million of these." The key is to see that the same types of games call for the same types of inferences.

    You can do it!
  • kmojorelikmojoreli Member
    118 karma
    Hey there- I also struggle with the logic games, it's my weakest section. I haven't been studying for nearly as long as you but I know where you are coming from. Sometimes I feel like I just get so lost, or confused, and then I freeze and get overwhelmed.

    For me, my biggest breakthrough has been trying ensure that I am not "thinking too fast" and that I am diagramming correctly, neatly, and with purpose. No erasing. Ive found that when I'm moving too fast in my mind I make stupid mistakes or forget things. I'm trying to be more deliberate about each and every inference I make. Taking even just a brief 1 second pause in my mind before I move onto a different rule, inference, or question has made me slow down in my head so that my brain and pencil are on the same page. Hopefully this helps.

    We can do this! Good luck!
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I wrote this up a while back, I don't know if you've seen it before:

    See if any of that resonates with you; it sounds like you could use some time with the Bundle if you've only been fool-proofing games from full PTs you're taking. Without knowing your scores from other sections I'd say you could still benefit with just a week of LG since you're leaving 10+ points on the table that should pretty much be freebies. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up anytime. Good luck!
  • petitigrepetitigre Member
    edited August 2015 227 karma
    Hey, everyone, just a follow up. I did nothing else but logic games for like 30-something hours last week. I haven't taken a PT to confirm any score increases, but I feel that logic games have finally clicked. They just make sense now because I've seen so many repetitions. I think they're pretty fun to do now :D and it's slowly becoming my favorite section. I'll update with PT progress. My biggest problem was that I never learned the basics. I dove into games without first building up difficulty. I got the basics down and I see that every game is just a basic game or a combination of basic concepts. I'm really happy! Thanks, everyone :).
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    Practice makes perfect again! Good stuff.
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