I was taking the tests in order, I skipped (1-13) and everything was going fine until I got to test 55. I took PTs 55-60 this month and my score completely tanked. Im getting near 165 and when im lucky I get 168. I've noticed that the tests were starting ...
... . Although I started studying 6 months before that, I didn't ... doing full tests until about 2months before and so I didn ... am going away for 4 months from Sep-Dec and would ...
Hi everyone. So, i'm currently scheduled to sit for the October LSAT and I reallyyy don't want to have to post pone it. My actual timed scores right now are ranging from 155-158 which is what I scored when I last sat for the actual LSAT in July (only ...
I am currently on track to take the November LSAT, and I am currently averaging 151 and was wondering if it is still possible to raise that score up to a 161? My goal would be a 164/165, but I would settle for a 160/161. The ...
I just had dinner with the Admissions director of my local law school (social friend) and she said the logic games are going to be shortly dropped from the LSAT? What is this? I stop lurking for 2months and now they have plans to change the darn test??
I halve been drilling for 2months and I only improved by maybe 3 points. How do you approach inference, MBT and most strongly supported questions on the RC. I find it easier for LR than RC. How do I improve? Please.
It’s giving me nightmares
... distribute my PTs in the months leading up to the test ... timed drills for the past 2months to get my accuracy where ... be a good idea (3 months is clearly not enough time ...
Been studying for about 2months and I am 1/3 of the way done with the CC. Looking for someone or some people to help hold each other accountable and eventually review PTs together. Looking to take the exam in July and maybe October.
... After studying for about 3 months, (not very many hours ... job and dedicate 6 full months to **really** learn the ... -161 took about 4 months of 30 hours a ... in 2months. I believe that if I took another 2-3 months ... I've been waiting months/years to make this post ...