... 15
> > The 2019 ranking---> 2020 ranking rankings into their decision?
& ... . The slight shift in rankings cast a different light on ... Notre Dame, mostly because of rankings. It had me questioning which ...
... br />
> > > The 2019 ranking---> 2020 ranking rankings into their decision?
& ... . The slight shift in rankings cast a different light on ... Notre Dame, mostly because of rankings. It had me questioning which ...
If you mean the 2019 law school median rankings then here's the link! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tUI5y-Sw2utvXvUEk9IQDzC1Rc0NDb7Q4PFwzxYkZpw/edit#gid=166071728
I just thought I would throw this question out to the community in hopes of getting a question answered. I am currently planning on studying health care law. Does anyone know how much the ranking of a specialty law program matters in terms of future ...
... the most reputable (based on rankings) school possible; UT Austin law ... process. Further, we talked how rankings influence a student's ability ... LSAT scores, law schools grades, rankings, and bar passage rates?