... perfect on all the four-star/five-star "curve breaker" questions, though ... been getting some three star and two star questions wrong, and on ... the occasion a one-star question too. What could ... get more 3 star and 2 star questions wrong than 4/5star questions.
... do them in less than 5 minutes now and move on ... not. Yet, those are the 5star ones. Should I be aiming ... do even the 5star ones in less than 5 minutes?
... but it's a 2-star for 72/77 LG. That ... make for a 2-star, 3 star, 4-star and 5-star respectively?
< ... in general, as only ~5 of the LG sections are ... rated 5-point, as opposed to ... answer a couple of the 5 questions for game 4, ...
... noticed that one and 2 star questions normally take me 35 ... :24 to complete, and 4/5star take me around 2 minutes ... to 2:30 for 4/5star Q's. Is it reasonable ... myself 2 minutes on 4/5star Q's during the practice ...
@desire2learn said:
although I also usually watch all the 4 and 5star questions just to make sure I did not get something right for the wrong reason). DEFINITELY all of the games though.
@"Dillon A. Wright" said:
I'm spamming this today I swear, but if you're up for it, feel free to leave a review here: