Does anyone have an opinion on what an easy PT is in the 70s or 80s? I want to take one more PT before the test but don’t want to take a hard one and get discouraged if I don’t do well.
I will be taking the November Flex and am planning to take about ~8 PTs before then. I've been plateauing at ~169, and thought I'd try BRing with someone else to step up my review game. Please let me know if interested!
I usually scored in the 169-172 range until the 70s. After moving into the 70s, my scores have dropped a bit. The wording and the difficulty seem different. Is it normal to see a score drop? Help! Freaking out before Jan test 😭
Is anyone else finding the LR sections of the 80s PTs drastically harder? I cannot figure out what is happening here.. Is this indicative of the January 2021 test, if so this might be highly problematic for me.
I noticed a significant score drop in the 80s PTs, does anyone have any advice for adjusting to this era? I was scoring in 170s for 50s but am back to mid 160s in the 80s. Would love some tips. Thank you!
... take the PT on paper vs the online version?! I can ... or older tests on paper vs online either... I literally just ... write on REAL books/notes vs virtual/online texts.