... need to see things from a different point of view for ... is it totally different, or would I be able to merge ... ? I don't want anew method because that would be confusing. I ...
... />
We recently implemented anew member type to those who ... (1) was or is a ⭐ member; (2) was or ... with us that they have a 170 or higher LSAT ... : Sage! What comes with this new title, you ask?
... on the forum, give them a high five (before you ...
... (I really took my New Year's resolution of actually ... . However, I am now a few weeks behind in the ... the PTs (mid-high 160s would be ideal) since I' ... taken the test once. Would it make sense to just ... to study (ie find anew job/opportunity after finishing apps ...
... PTs. Was thinking I wouldincrease it to 5 when I ... saying it doesn't make a big difference, but what ... 4 vs 5 sections? Would taking 5 section PTs ... substitute an additional section from a different PT, so wouldn ... of section also make a difference on your overall ...
Hey 7Sagers, another fancy new title coming your way! ... " title. Well, we've got anew addition: "⭐" (Previously Mentor)
< ... br />
What does this new title mean?
... assumptions, let’s establish a point of comparison with sufficient ... our argument valid. Given this new information, we can say that ... trees grow 4 rings a year, which would also be sufficient. For ... .
• Think about building a bridge. The premises left you ...
... old LGs like the new ones with 2 pages ... just my first shot at anew LG. I time everything with ... unless you just misread a question or something like ... - Tomorrow, 4th - In a week (either a week from attempts 1 ... LG Bundle as that would violate both 7Sage and ...
... we're looking for new photos for both the ...
Did you take a photo that would be perfect for one ... us your photo and a link to the lesson ... example:
A photo of a camera for:
http ... welcome! The prize is a $100 Amazon gift certificate ...
... ? I have a few who would be willing, ... but it just seems odd to request a ... letter from a prof who ... 2006...Unfortunately, I have a history of "challenging" ... br />
Worst case...woulda LOR from a colleague or direct report ...
... and if I could, it would take more time than I ... an LSAT baller, I would have wondered at first if ... on to find out would have been a lot quicker than ... more like anew driver waiting to make a turn onto a busy road ... set up stage), I would love to hear from anyone ...
... like J.Y. said I would." However, by the time I ... so he could smoke half a pack."
During ... horribly, thoughts of 1L at a crappy school are haunting me ... booklet and it was brand new with 5 sections. As I ... I noticed I was in anew testing room. J.Y. ...
... the application process etc. A big bonus to this event ... that, I felt it would be a great opportunity to not only ... personal experiences would be greatly appreciated ! This whole thing is anew world ... odd for me. (Seems a little difficult to network with ...
... />
I've just made anew schedule for myself and I ... for the LSAT for about a year and have already read ... and doing up to three a week in September when I ... is a good study schedule or do you think it would be ... to just take one PT a week and start with more ...
... Sure, I would have loved to start at a law school for ... to write a PT at 3 AM that I would almost ... and then cry when a dismal 152 would pop up on ... I would wonder how on earth I could ever increase my ...
... 's pretty clear that anew local rule in a question creates two ... to place those blocks and would have realized there are only ... . I find that JY has a tendency to go to the ...
... you just get started with anew task, that’s the ... out of it, why would studying more ever be the ... habits and also creating brand new (bad) habits in your ... you need to adapt. You would not go to the gym ... the LSAT) with a ‘broken’ brain (a mindset that will not ...
... "), based on a correlation. B indicates a correlation, not a cause, so B ... , it introduces anew player (A), which in turn offers a prospective causal link ... that (A --> Ra) which would obviously mean that (C --> A). Though ...
... looking so I'm taking a year off to retake the ... and re-apply. Since I would ask at least one or ... ask if they can write anew one? Not much has changed ... 's not like the letters would be all that different. Thanks ...
... reset your time (with a second hand that does not ... with me, but I would at least caution those who ... are thinking of buying a watch to consider what ... and is actually within a much smaller frame than ... first scratch on anew pair of shoes or a video game ...
... the first PT I got a 153 (personal best) and the ... second I got a 144 (personal worst). I don ... don't want to waste a good PT on the second ... so was thinking about using anew PT for only first best ... you guys stay focused and increase endurance?
... take the test in a particular classroom, Classroom A, that I am ... testing center was changed to anew classroom last week, Classroom B ... , though, I was assigned to a completely different room, Classroom C ... to be prepared for and would like serious advice as it ...
... order to avoid burnout and a brain drain, I'm curious ... after blind reviewing before starting anew pt session. Today for instance ... , and I'm debating about a PT tonight at 9PM. I ... , some guidance from the vets would be much appreciated.
Did LSAC do anything weird on PT76 like anew type of game or different type of RC/LR questions? PT76 is the only recent PT I haven't done and I'm just wondering if I'm missing out if I skip it.