I looked at my Academic Summary Report this morning and, to my ... it doesn't include the academic warning note that appears on ... LSAC didn't include my academic warning note, I was ... both my transcript and the Academic Summary Report?
I just looked at my Academic Summary Report. First thought was.... WTF! This is so confusing. I have no idea what the first part is all about. I scrolled down to the bottom and saw a degree GPA, and a cumulative GPA. Which one is considered my LSDAS
Is the "Cumulative GPA" in the "Summary" box the GPA that law school admissions officers are going to use? It's just SO far off what I estimated it to be using the LSAC's guide to grade summary and 7Sage's calculator. It's much higher than my estimates and ...
... their individual evaluation but their academic summary report does not say anything ... and **'Above Average' for quality academic record**) although the transcript has ... it only count as an academic/research experience?**
I have seen the academic summary report that LSAC has generated for me that has all the summary data from my transcript, but do law schools get my real transcript and see which classes I have taken?
... if, when looking at the Academic Summary Report, LSAC relies on the ... attended and not just the Academic Summary Report? In other words, will ... ésumé and another on the Academic Summary Report. [and more generally, I ...
LSAC has received my college transcripts and the academic summary report currently says "Transcript analysis data not on file". Do I need to purchase CAS before I can see my LSAC gpa?
... of attempting to calculate my "academic summary index" score. For anyone ... .lsac.org/key-online-academic-summary-report?access-code=academic-summary.