Thanks for the encouragement. Does anyone have any advice for other things I can do to make my application more attractive? Should I write an addendum? Should I pursue certain extra curriculars? Should I get a part time job?
And -- you will almost have to write an addendum for that score, but whatever you do, do NOT gear it towards "I was lazy but now I'm not". If there are legit medical issues, focus on that.
@Patrick :D Hey thanks for the reply! It's great to hear that you were able to raise you score after the first exam! Also, where can I add the addendum?
As part of your law school application, a majority of schools allow you to write a one-page addendum describing a specific difficulty you had with your test taking process; in your example your father's situation.
I think I would avoid the addendum bc it did not really interfere with your ability to take the test or mental state for the test itself, just backtracked ur studying a bit (from what Im interpreting that as)
... with a counselors regarding GPA addendum - and their advice was to ... you choose to write an addendum for it, you need to ... how an applicant wrote an addendum for alcoholism and drug abuse ...