Hey Nessa! This post was awesome! Would you suggest drilling these in orderby question type or out of order, not knowing the type of question it is you're dealing with? Thanks!!
... approximating the difficulty of the test for test takers. I believe the ... so it’s fair to alltest takers. So on a more ... difficult test (closer to -14) you can ... error. The -11 means this test was moderately difficult comparatively, although ...
... be scheduled for the makeup test and they never responded. I ... because I sat for the test, even though I left during ... 't transparent and communicated to alltest-takers at the testing center ...
No, there isn't a standard for having a visible clock in LSAT testcenters. That being said, the tablet has a timer on it, so you don't need a watch for timing purposes.
Remote testing sounds like maybe it's still being determined, but maybe it's with virtual proctors. However, not everyone has the technology for this so there would likely need to be another way to do this as well, such as appointments at testcenters.
... their safety at the testcenters, potentially travelling to testcenters, needing to stay ... and down), but some testing centers/proctors had old instructions. I ... might as well end my test.
... . Beyond an initial diagnostic practice test, taking full length PTs consistently (weekly ... analytical and translatable from one test to the next. If you ... , that means you get the test. If you look at it ...
... I didn’t take the test today I had to wait ... and couldn’t take the test. I did this for 2 ... had to take the test today and start by 4 Pm. I ...
I am taking November LSAT tomorrow, but planning to take January as well. Many schools accept January as the last write for 2021 Cycle. Take November as practice for the real deal in January. Best of luck to alltest takers !!
@"LOWERCASE EVERYTHING" thanks for that insight. Definitely good to know moving forward as I will for sure be below all my schools median GPAs by about .05-.1.
I have a break from law school for the next ~5-6 weeks. if the group needs an experienced test taker to stop by once in awhile for some guidance I would be willing to help!
... the rules surrounding Jurisdiction, can all have different impacts on a ... to understand how they all mesh together in order to understand the ... play during law school at all. You won't really be ...
Unfortunately for you, you have to submit any transcripts for any college classes you have ever taken, including the ones for your associate's degree. They all average the same, weighted by credit hours.