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I scored 168 in the Junetest, and my goal is to ... get 172+ in the October test. I am a non-native ... have been studying for this test for two years. I feel ... three months before the October test, so my time for significant ...
After reading the LSAC page on ... my in-person or virtual test date. However, everywhere online, I ... anyone can write their essay after their test day. Is this true ...
I just don't think I'm going to have all my materials ready the way I want them to be to apply by the end of October (which I understand is common). My goal, ultimately, is to get a full-ride somewhere--but are these sorts of scholarships even still given ...
I took ... Friday (I think for the Junetest I won't do any ... this for next month's June lsat on Monday the 10th ... PT on Monday June 3, PT on Friday June 7, and the ... actual lsat on Monday June 10. My primary concern is ...
... / 67%, just retook logic games after a 3 week off period ... . Got 15 of 23 on test and had to guess final ... got a 145 or less after the test, and drank that many ...
Shoot for the Junetest. You'll see your scores ... a few points. If by June you are not at all ... to October. Otherwise, the October test can always be there for ...
that way when ... you to take the September test, you will be super comfortable ... taking the test for a second time because ... the newer changes on the test (we study old PTs), and ...
... have to re take the test in september, I'd use ... + 71-70-69-68 before June, leaving you 65-66-67 ... date and cancel June, personally. Why take a test if you know ... all your resources before the Junetest and stop assuming you will ...
... have done some of the test in the 40's range ... September, but no postpone the Junetest as I think it will ... my nerves for the next test. I may be completely wrong ... use the rest for the June, or as many as I ... need before June. But seeing as it is ...
... was aiming to take the Junetest. I changed my mind about ... too worried never taking the test. If something gets in the ... way of me taking the test next year then I probably ...
I'm cancelling. I had 2 LG sections, one which I nailed the other completely bombed (at least 5-7 wrong/unanswered). After talking to ppl after the test, I've realized the one I bombed was the real one.
... 't worry about the real test. What comes will come. Freaking ... one more aspect of the test that comes with practice. You ... score within 2-3 points after each test just by my gut ...