... forum to help you and it will allow you to figure ... are lower? What's harder? On LR, is it harder to follow ... the argument (see whatit's saying)? On RC, are ...
... the door. I will find it. You are not mean. The ... 'show' me how to do it, but I could not replicate ... as I tried to figure it out. Then one day, one ... just showed me the trick. It had to do with how ... learning. That is whatit is all about. It would be great to ...
... the time, I would use it to go back over questions ... ) just so I know exactly whatit's talking about. I'd ... time. You either get it, or need it explained. If you're ...
... />
I find it helpful to identify exactly whatit is you need ... thing, or defending the argument. Whatit wants is for you to ... out. You cannot possibly know whatit is you need if you ... don't know EXACTLY whatit is you are trying to ...
Yes - for the most part. It's exactly whatit sounds like. Using the ... strongly supported by the stimulus. What do we call the part ... />
Should help to clarify what these questions are looking for.
I swear by ... this method:
- It forces you to think through ... the correct answer is whatit is."
- When it came to skipping ... , this method also helps because it forces you to know yourself ...
... my score sucks, but it is intimidating reading about how ... test and wanted to see whatit was like. I hadn' ... life. My score reflected what I had been scoring. ... the 180. What are you afraid of? What is the worst ... score you can get? What are you afraid of? ...
... I understand whatit's saying and how it relates to what came before ... (two or three words) noting what function that paragraph is serving ... , I find that thinking about what to mark up takes time ... away from thinking about what the passage is saying.
... definitely helps, but it ends up getting you ... analyze and figure out whatit is there really asking ... TRUE understanding, which is what you need. Half ... true understanding then it wont matter what way they throw ... a rule at you, you just get it ...
Thanks to your help I think i now found a simple way to confirm correct choices - Raph would STILL disagree with B and Edward would agree (simple, I know), but that's whatit comes down to!
... 30pm. If you can help it, no bright lighting either. ... called "sleep with me." It has stories that get progressively ... do NOT nap, no matter what. It will be terrible. But at ... did a whole PT if it was the weekend.
... treat yourself to when it's all over!
... again and again and what helped was doing things ... as you need. Understand it. It's so common sense but ... of people are doing what I was doing and ... everything is and whatit means by skimming. It takes time but ... to stop thinking about what I will be doing ...
... of smell, they support it with that 10% of ... the argument at all because it provides no point of ... weakens the question because it points out a flaw ... smelly marker and tell me whatit smelled like you are ... weakens the argument because it again shows a flaw ...
... and just go for it....this was in mid ... not respect the LSAT for whatit actually is...I took ... situation when deciding to take it again, wait another cycle ... and then before I know it, it will be next year ... year older. At what point is it just not a good ...
for BR try writing out why each thing is whatit is, you picked A... why? why not BCDE? dont just understand the right answer and move on bc there are often great trap answers that you think you understand why its right but you have no idea.
... the elevator malfunctioned, it wasn't properly maintained that whatit says. so ... you know if it was properly ... maintained then it didn't ... see if you can understand what they are saying and ...
For whatit's worth, we took the ... last time by continuously hitting it (myself included) and that was ... posted until after you receive it by email. Your best bet ... it just to wait for the ...
... all you want to achieve what you really want is a ... BRing (if not/dont know whatit is check 7sage BR post ... a lot of work but it can be achieved if you ... work hard at it. LS isnt going anywhere but ... so make sure you give it your all