My videos keep freezing at random spots and don't restart after waiting sometimes up to 20+ minutes....tried three browsers and same issue, though sometimes just refreshing will cause the video to reload.
... other adults in the same language structure and vocabulary ... communicates to others in the same language structure and vocabulary ... is communicated to in the same language structure and vocabulary ... other adults in the same language structure and vocabulary ...
I got 152 October 2012 when I was a senior in college. This score was almost what I expected (a little below) because I knew I was not applying that year.. I didn't prepare that much.
And I took my second LSAT last October and got 152. This was ...
I seem to be having a glitch with my proctor app on iphone. About 10 minutes through my 15 minute break, the app shuts off and when I turn it back on it's at the beginning again. Anyone else experience the same thing?