... chance of getting into a Biglaw firm upon graduation at ... For example, BostonCollege sent many many students to Biglaw firms, but ... mainly in the Boston area. Thoughts ... who wants to get into Biglaw after law school, whether ...
I am hoping to do a dual degree at BostonCollege to get both a JD and an MSW. I am wondering if in my personal statement if I should mention that I want to do the dual degree and why, or should I just make it about law school?
What’s everyone think my chances are at Schools like Georgetown, Cornell, Bostoncollege, Notre dame, USC? I still have time to bring my gpa even higher as I’m in my 5th semester right now.
167/3.9, if I apply ED where would I have a better shot at? I’ll also apply to Notre dame and Bostoncollege and some other schools where I’m above the median.
I’ve been posting on here about how badly I want to go to BC since before I even applied. Just wanted to let everyone know I got in today!!! Thanks for all the support