So I may be overthinking this process, but whats the proper way to send a LOCI. Do i attach it in the email as a doc x, pdf, or copy/paste into the body of the email. Also are these suppose to be double spaced or single spaced?
Hello everyone,
I'm an artist. I got my undergrad degree from an art school with P/F system, so I don't have a GPA.
I recently got MFA in sculpture, but want to pursue law. Oh, I do have GPA from grad school. but I also read that GPA from ...
... date change fees are $125, CAS registration is $195 and the ... doozy - CAS reports are now $45 (up ... /applying-to-law-school/lsat-cas-fees?view=1
I’m specifically looking for people who have double majored in graduate school, doing Law School along side pursuing a Mastors from the same institution, are there any 7sagers who fit this description?