Currently fool proofing 1-35 LG however I want to make sure my LR skills (or lack thereof) are not diminishing. I have saved some problem sets from the CC but after I finish these should I start from PT#1 and drill by question type or whole sections?
... wanted to ask more about chaining biconditionals rather than splitting. On ... think there are times where chaining biconditionals is helpful, but my ... of any games that use chaining biconditionals, that would be helpful ...
If both ... your answer choices contain conditionals chances are they ... Some people think diagramming conditionals takes too much time, ... be writing the LSAT. DrillDrillDrill until you are. ...
This was a very useful drill that I did everyday to warm up and I can't find it anymore. It was a long list of fruits that you hook up using conditional statements. Any help finding which section it is in would be appreciated.
I need a bit more explanation and practice of chaining conditional statements. Are there additional resources here or has anyone found a good resource for that? Thanks!