Hey guys. I think I had a two author/dual passage RC prompt about consciousness/mental awareness? The first passage was very monologue-esque (Hamlet - to be or not to be?) and informal. Was this one part of the real or experimental RC?
Since I am not a citizen and can't apply for federal loans, can anyone tell a bit more about need based aid. I mean I know it depends a lot on the schools you are applying to but how much do they cover ( rough idea )
Thanks !! but the choice is not between practicing andnot practicing , the choice is between timed vs untimed practice. Untimed with pre-36 RC passages, meanwhile timed practice for other sections
... things to your thought processes, and since you'll never be ... have seen that" does not constitute understanding), and deal with the latter ... by finding a way to not get ... "just find the conclusion and premises and then see what's missing ...
... but I would not take February and be even more ... been there and it will not work. These ideas and concepts ... need time to take root and ... one test is nothing and could be an outlier, ... community to do well and will be here for ...
... IF F + I, then U. And the architects are in violation ... of that precept, and violation means that they have ... or the have done /U and F+I. But the premises ... say that they have not done F. And /f and /I are each ... to have done BOTH F AND I to be in ...
... arenas during your high school and college careers. That's great ... a ton of elbow grease, and I failed at some things ... face of failure builds both characterand confidence. Like I said, it ... , our road isn't straight and doesn't hardly ever go ...
... joined the 7Sage community and followed many posts ... score does not define me and my capabilities, and one bad ... application process another year and take the June ... and just work with what you got. 5 PT's is not ... including myself) are just not destined to get into ...
Yes, the frustration of applying the LSAT to the world and expecting nice, clear categories. People just mean "likely" or "probably", and are avoiding categorical statement because things are typically not that clear and categorical.
... . I spoke to my boss and asked for less hours for ... to have my hours reduced, and was told that I could ... noggin. If you have to, and can afford to push the ... so. Especially if it means not feeling rushed and anxious.
... know they are not a fluke, and you need to ... work on your timing and your confidence.
... Several more PT's, and paying attention to what's ... trust your instinct enough and overthink answers, whatever it ... scores are still nice and high and you have an ...
Figure out why you're not doing well, and attack that head on. Review the videos, then go through the problem sets again. Maybe you were just having a bad day, or you were tired the on the first go.
... and are working. My mind says maybe this is not for you, and ... your not cut out for ... observe that they're there, and ignore them. These negative thoughts ... from problems in our past, and possibly are directly from our ...
@JHAldy10 and @Micaela_OVO thank you so much ... feeling is I should not take it and I needed some advice ... persuade me to take it and get it over with but ... to have it andnot need it that need it andnot have it ...
... split "OR" in the sufficient and "AND" in the necessary.
... not C OR not D then not A ANDnot B (negate and reverse, swap ANDand ... the OR in the sufficient and the AND in the necessary and then split, or you split ...
... May schools have application deadlines and will accept the Feb Score ... to schools in October and early November, and with the December test ... September if you are not fully prepared and you'll have to ... plan for the September test and evaluate your progress in June ...
... regular timed section after finishing and mark all the ones I ... . Then I go through untimed and do them all. That is ... PT's is really not a lot and am also wondering if ... over time as I progress and see what questions I am ...
... answer choice between the premises and the conclusion should help ... the premises are telling/not telling you and what the conclusion is ... because you're not strengthening the link between A and B, but ... no different cultures, and that's not what our conclusion is ...
... points he makes over and over that can really ... that comes to mind, and there are excellent examples ... practical in his approach and will tell you repeatedly ... If you foolproof the games and keep it up with ... If you're not there, withdraw and go for September ...
... if John voluntarily did not undertake driving and knew that the risk ... does or does not do that is voluntary and has known consequences ... the connection between undertaking/not undertaking an action and assigning responsibility.
... the structure of the passage and big picture things such as ... main points, author opinion, and each viewpoint presented. By memorizing ... on the forest, not the trees."
... or you're not engaged enough and you have to keep ... to poststructuralism/deconstruction and he's apparently not a big fan ... using signifier and signified instead of word and thing, to ... right, and E is off scope. Deconstructivists are not trying to ...
... moments, hits those plateaus, and experiences reversals has been essential ... understand where you deepest struggles and worries are coming from, ... was kicking myself for not preparing properly and wasting a precious ... more of hard work, and that 150 really isn't ...
... think disregard these excuses and try to be move ... whatever comes to mind andnot worry about anything, when ... given me the energy and motivation to keep going ... during the video explanation, and how everyone "probably ... "the LSAT is not for you," and "how the hell ...
@"Nicole Hopkins" just to clarify, will it now just be the Saturday BR calls until the new BR group starts up? (as in not the Tuesday and Thursday calls?)
... suggests) before true mastery occurs and you are able to move ... rules and looking for inferences upfront. That time is not wasted ... , it's invested. Just like with sports, and ... come with practice, not with rushing. And @robert.d.miranda ...