So I really struggle with really grasping formal logic. It's just one of those things that I just can't seem to understand. I'll understand the basics in shorthand but when it comes to applying FL to actual statements... I fail. < ...
I am almost done learning LR as part of the CC. JY uses diagrams often, when explaining the answers. So far, I am doing really well without using any diagrams. Does this mean I am naturally good at LR,or do most people not use diagrams?
... the logic games bible, the logical reasoning bible, done quite a ... drills of logic games and logical reasoning, completed the core curriculum ...
Hello Fellow 7Sagers,
I am interested to see what your overall thoughts are of the PT. I am even more interested to see what your thoughts are regarding the logical reasoning sections. Thank you.
... been scoring virtually perfectly on logical reasoning, missing 1 to 3 ... because I had my worst logical reasoning test in months twice ... , I caught most of the logical reasoning mistakes in blind review ...
I'm curious what everyone's strategy is for skipping on the bubble sheet. How I do it right now is I mark a tilde on each side of the a/b/c/d/e bubbles and come back to it.