... redundant because of the videos? I only have the starter pkg, which ... doens't include all the LR questions and explanations, so ... in our forum. We could followthe same format as Manhattan: Questions ... this requires too much for the Admins then I think we ...
... did my LR through the Trainer, where the 'justify reasoning' questions ... known as 'sufficient assumption', while the 'justify conclusion' ones are ... supporting principle -- they're in the same chapter, and for both ... re supposed to "fill in thelogical gap").
... />
Carrie: "the only thing that can be ... and necessary indicators ("the only" and "required ... using the sufficient indicator and another using the necessary indicator) like ... J.Y has done for the ...
... about committing) decided to take the LSAT. I would really like ... to take the December 2015 LSAT. However, as ... crazy idea? After stumbling across the 7Sage prep courses, I feel ... if I buckle down and followthe course, I can do well ...
... lurker, first-time poster. Always appreciated the honest feedback and support I ... short: I took the test for the second time on Saturday ... and it threw off the rest of the section; I remember ... legitimately thought I killed the rest of the test.
For the past couple weeks now I ... to a score always in the -9 - -11 range. The only recommendation I ... questions, yet I still get the same -9 - -11 score. I ... 't have any problem with the BR process - I just feel ...
I've been through theLogical Reasoning curriculum - and feel like ... . I've printed out all the cheat sheets - but things like ... the flash cards are only digital. ... anyone else feel the same way? What's the best solution? Copy ...
... reading comp section. I usually always score the lowest on RC. On ... am consistently having trouble with the humanities and social science ... I just feel like I always second guess myself and narrow ... , but in the moment of the test I choose the incorrect answer. ...
... up ~3 hours before the earliest time you're ... you are well hydrated the morning of without having ... likelihood that if you followthe same plan/timing, you ... />
6) Day of, during the break: Seriously, don't talk ... vow of silence until after the test. Yes, @Pacifico ...
I'm studying the curriculum and found the negation of "all" a ... confusing.
I understand that thelogical opposite of "some" is just ... />
But isn't "not all" the negation of "all"?
In ... words, does "some... not..." mean the same thing as "not all ...
I seem to be struggling with main idea question on the RC portion. I usually narrow it down to 2 answers, but almost always choose the incorrect one. Did anyone else struggle with this? And what strategies did you use to overcome it?
... passages?
• RC is alwaysthe same process (process of elimination ... Smith)
• Some scientists (Always Box the Quantifier!!!)
• Mainstream historians the call
b. Always do it timed ...
... than try to explain, just followthe link below and it'll ... being disrupted by noise. The location of the test center is in ... br />
The contradictory directions at the start of the test were a ... that we could use the restroom before the test began, but it ...
However in the other forums that I have ventured, the ... ” introduces a sufficient condition, but if we accept ... not a necessary condition, then could the conditional statement stated ...
... did frequently flu-ridden me always do the night (mid-morning) ... primarily because of the fact that the drink requires you to ... history, but for the purpose of the LSAT, the benefits of matcha ... in many instances over the years like the one aforementioned. Should ...
... me to the importance of always reading the question and the answers, even ... />
b. paying attention to the difference between " a complete ... help reconcile", "which of the following does not provide ... evidence to strengthen the scientist's argument" and ...
... take, I stumbled upon 'The New Jim Crow' by ... defender. The thought of law school was always in the back of ... test book, looked at the games, and gave up. ... real prep test after the curriculum and got a ... m just sharing to tell the 7Sagers, particularly J.Y., ...
... due to a misunderstanding on the game itself - consistently - ... I don't have the same luxury of knowing ... spend extra time at the end checking like in ... left over at the end of the game to minimize ... - given that I'm always understanding the game itself quite well?
... let me just start from the start. My cold diagnostic was ... (20%). I've been through theLogical Reasoning Bible and my assumption ... is that my flaw in the reasoning questions went from a ...
2. The more money you ... a course the higher the score you will get always.
3. For the games never ... br />
10. Always read the answer choices first
< ...
... everything in between...the more you have, the better it is ... you have to do is followthe link below. Tell your ... techniques, UNESCO protocols, and the merits of parallel computing. < ... />
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
... method. brain messed up by thelogical diagrams in answer choices. Question ... />
Answer A gives the contrapostive of the missing link. But B ... "some, might, may..." although the phrasing is exactly the same.
... only get half of thelogical reasoning questions right. The first 10-12 ... my foundation and understanding for logical reasoning is not good enough ... I can improve my poor logical reasoning scores!
... Logic portion as part of theLogical Reasoning Curriculum here on 7Sage ... . It seems to be the same on my PowerScore Bible ... a little more inclined towards the Logic Games section. Which ... material to approach some of the Weakening/Strengthening questions later on ...