... many people recommend full proofing games 1-34
< ... :
Should I still be printing the games from the recent sections ... />
1) I just kept doing games, watching the explanations, and fool ... is a process with no true end. Honestly, I think ...
... ) alongside PTs. Don't be afraid to use previously taken ... questions (Most Strongly Supported, Must BeTrue, Main Point, Weaken, et cetera ... some of these questions can be very helpful to promptly ... you some time before you could retake them just before test ...
... , it might be beneficial to take a break from games before delving ... , and continuing down that path could make things worse and might ... "I'll just never be good at games, I know I'm ... remember, from similar games, whether there should be some kind of inference ...
... The negation technique should be used for Necessary Assumption ... can no longer hold true due to the necessary ... assumption answer choice we could see for a question ... Does it need to betrue that I drive a car ... 5 hours? No, it couldbe that I have a car ...
@hakeemmuhammad498 said:
My logic games section is my worst, I ... />
I was going to suggest games anyways, but really go into ... , but those 8-9 points couldbe your ticket to the score ...
... . The only way my accounts couldbe searched is to drop one ... for all that? That time couldbe used typing up my scholarship ... criteria or if someone will be feeling pissy that day? And ... with on a bus ride. True story! It worked, I found ...
Edit: ... the first segment, W could not be in the first segment since ... I must be longer than W. Similarly, ... segment, the second segment must be W and S.
... - I is not a must betrue.
... pretty muscular (Quinean) account of logical truth with quantification alone, but ... wouldn't betrue in a combinatorialist semantics aimed solely at logical consequence ... for any wff, including L-true wffs. Combinatorialist PWS gets around ...
Modality couldbe expressed in quantity as well ... "modality" on LSAT as the logical force of the argument. And ... have sometimes, few, may, might, could, which are very weak.
... premises to betrue so if that was my strategy I could've ... . 1468 would still be taking the premises as true so that's ... my reasoning that the coin could've been minted or circulated ...
... passage, I shift to diagramming games. If my brain hurts from ... diagramming games, I might do LR question ... . Within that 90min block it couldbe dedicated to doing one type ... .
1800-1930: Redo any games that I missed after watching ...
... not true that most people have 30 legs
This couldbe inclusive ... of 0 people because of the it's not true ... (I think) that most cannot be negated. It's good to ... excellent point that anything can be negated.
... impossible for certain consumers to be certain of the appliance ...
Although this needs to betrue for the consumers argument to ... here. A correct answer choice could say "she can defeat ... choice could say "she can dribble". They both have to betrue but ...
... .
What needs to betrue is that "some fruits are ... NA answer because needs to betrue, without that connection between apple ... answer because this needs to betrue as it wrecks our ... guarantee our conclusion 100%. It couldbe that this painting was an ...
... anyone would because RC passages couldbe tedious, so I appreciate ... around the roots could or could not be the case for ... t tell us. It couldbe that this is an issue ... above so you guys could see where my error ... re going to be dirty. That is true for just about ...
... wrong because, while it may betrue due to our knowledge of ... choice specifies. This is especially true in the later practice tests ... hypothetical right answer would not be correct because, as with above ... It makes sense, and we could easily assume that, but with ...
... I know that the AC couldbe an inference based on one ... to just think through the logical steps in my mind. Granted ... drawing hypotheticals or diagramming in logical reasoning when it is not ... , the approach you take would be influenced by where you are ...
... so much as what the logical structure of the statement ... this might explain why Must BeTrue, Most Strongly Supported, Sufficient ... than what it takes to be deductively true. Again, think science. ... that would have to be done would be to provide repeated ...
... addressed in the stimulus, it could still potentially weaken the argument ... does that absolutely have to betrue and in what sense does ... it have to betrue?.
Answer choice "B" ... of conditions in past will betrue in future.
*answer ...
... the increase in seal population couldbe a factor in decline in ... another factor that could affect this relationship and could cause an increase ... increase in seal's population could cause a decrease in cod ... It doesn't have to betrue, but its something that the ...
@Alejandro good point! That may betrue, and if it is, I ... 't deny that BU may be the better bet. But I ... , but I understand that this couldbe due to a variety of ...